Friday, March 23, 2007

Appreciate What You Have

We all take things for granted whether it be having the perfect family or having a close friend that you can always rely on to be there for you. Things like these are great things to have but once they aren't there or they go away for a period of time you realize how much they really mean to you. In a story out of my independent reading book, Everything's Eventual, the main character is a teenager and all he has is himself and his mom. While he is at college he finds out that his mom has passed away and now he is all by himself. In a situation like this you would be forced to grow up quickly and you would probably wish that you would have appreciated that loved one or possesion alot more while it or they were still around. In our lives I think we have to appreciate what we have now because when you wake up tomorrow there is no guarantee that it will still be there.

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