Friday, March 9, 2007

Alabama Rascals

This photograph is very curious and mysterious to me. The children seem quite young and the boy to the left is holding a straw in his mouth; a common keepsake I am guessing. The two children on the left which seem to be two twin girls are sitting there in an odd fashion. One girl seems to be straring blankly ahead into the camera while the other is holding her mouth with a sort of disgusted look on her face.

I cannot even begin to imagine what it would be like to be living in the time of the Great Depression. Living in such poor conditions, wondering where my next meal will come from, or wearing shoes only once a week are things that i have never had to think about before and I hope that I never will. I cannot imagine what it would be like to be an adult and not be able to support your family and it is not your fault, and being seen as poor through the public eye adds insult to injury. I admire all of those who rose above this catastrophe and made names for themsleves.

1 comment:

hi my name is.... said...

I really like that picture and the way you described it was perfect. I do agree with ou about living in the Great Depression. I wish I could know about all of the hardships that the families and expecially the parents they went through. You know?