Friday, March 23, 2007

Appreciating Family

The biggest theme of the book to me is we often don't appreciate the people we are closest to. This is shown in the begining of the book when the kids are complaining about Atticus being to old to do things with them. They don't realize all of the great thing he can do until. Ms. Maudie says to them that Atticus can make air-tight wills. I still don't think though that the kids understand and fully appreciate Atticus.

I also don't think Scout fully appreciates Jem. Jem's a good brother who always lets her tag along and is protective of her. If it wern't for jem in the end of the book Scout may have been dead. I also don't think Calpurina is respected enough by the kids. In the begining of the book Scout tries to get Calupurnia fired beause Cal disiplines her. Cal though, thinks of Jem and Jean Louise as her kids. She says this when she takes them to her church and says she wants them looking nice because she dosen't want anyone saying she dosen't take care of her children. I really liked that passage. I think Scout really dosen't appreciate all of the people close to her until she stand on the porch at the Radley place. Thats a huge moment for her. We all have those moments, moments when we grow up really fast and get whole new outlooks on things.



Little Miss Sunshine said...

Sometimes I think people aren't supposed to appreciate what they have. Its human nature. I was never appreciative as a kid, and I still don't realize how great it is to have what I have. Its like the song says "You don't know what you've got til its gone!" I agree. When my grandma died, I didn't realize how much I loved her and how much I looked up to her, and I wish I would have when she was alive. But I think that all family members know deep down that they are some-what appreciated.

koala said...

when i was a kid i was super appreciative of everything, whether it was a lollypop my great uncle gave to me or a bike i got for christmas. I was amazed with my parents and i really thought they could do anything. I may not have apprectated what they did, but I understood how hard they worked and i could read how they felt. Now i appreciate them so much and thats because i realize all the things they do for me, but i realized that really early in life, i don't know why.