Monday, March 19, 2007

Black v.s. White

I was so surprised how the trial ended! I honestly thought the people of Maycomb would make the right decision and not charge Tom guilty!!! Like stated in the book the trial was black verses white. It was obvious that Tom did not commit the crime because of his disability and all of the evidence stated. Therefore the jury charged Tom guilty just because he was black. I felt really bad for the kids especially Jem because he really thought his dad had won the trial and I think the people of Maycomb disappointed him.


BlondeC8 said...

I knew they were going to find Tom guilty,but it wasn't what I wanted.I think this really shows people what that time period was really like and how cruel people were.It wasn't fair but it was real.Cute pick by the way!!The picture to me is saying the people are prejudice starting from birth by their families belifs.

Karee said...

I was very disappointed in how the trial ended. I really thought that the jury would make the right decition also. but then it ended the wrong way he was convicted guilty.

piNkpwranger44 said...

I also thought that Tom Shouldnt have been found guilty because of the same reasons!I kinda saw it coming but not that much. But i dont think it was fair but ya know life isnt always fair! ((cute picture by the way))

SpottyC said...

I hate it when you have that child like faith and belief and then your world turns upside down like Jem's and you end up being depressed because you just knew something was going to end up right and then it doesn't. This really upsets me still even though I know the world is not fair. I think inside everyone of us still has that little bit of belief in fairy tale endings.

Hogwired said...

I was suprised at how the trial ended too! I think that the people of Maycomb made a really awful decision. I said in my blog that I hate the fact that back then everything was black vs. White. Oh well, the book is getting interesting.