Monday, March 5, 2007


Have you ever thought of what life will be like in 5 years?
I most certainly have...
In five years I picture myself being a freshman at pre-med school,
being in a
sorority, and having a job on the side to pay bills.
I can't wait to get away from home, even though I
l0v3 my family,
I love the feeling of being free!!!

Don't you?!?!


Leanna said...


sadie star said...

Wow that was random but I totally agree! what kind medical do you want to do?

superw0men13 said...

Yes I have!
In 5 years I picture in school getting my bachelors degreee, then moving on to get my masters. I want to be in a sorority, and a job on the side as well.
I think moving away from home will be a good thing for everyone!

Eazy B said...

Title made me think of Braveheart.

Little Miss Sunshine said...

I want to be a neurosurgeon! What would you like to be sadie star?

betty said...

Wow little miss sunshine, let me tell you this was one cool post! I love the picture! it makes me think of what your passage said, being free!