Tuesday, March 20, 2007

How could they do that??

I think it's crazy to think that the people of the jury would charge Tom as Guilty. It just really doesn't make sense to me. I realize it was a long time ago and people were still prejudice, but its so obvious what happened. I don't understand how you could justify voting guilty. Or how you could sleep at night.
I also don't think I could sleep if I was in Mayella's situation. The only person that has ever been nice to her and she accuses him of raping her. That's not something a normal person would do. Harper Lee really does set up a good picture of the life the Ewells live. Mayella doesn't have friends other than Tom and she doesn't treat him well. Also I think its sad how she thinks Atticus is mocking her by being polite.

During the Trial I have come to respect Atticus so much more. I think he may be the only adult I respect in the entire city. He is a lot ahead of his time in standing up for a black person. No one else in the town I think would have done that. What do you think? Did you think they would find him guilty? Or do you think Atticus was the only one who would have stood up for a black person? let me know


Karee said...

I totally agree! I would never be able to sleep ever again. I would probly tell the judge and the jury and every one the truth other wise I would not be able to live with my self. I really do not like that Mayella would lie about what Tom did and wish she had not do it.

BlondeC8 said...

I did think they would find him guitly because most of the town was racist and they weren't going to change their mind just like that.I think there might have been others that would stand up for a black person such as Mr.Dolphus and maybe Mrs.Maudie.These people believe that blacks were being unfairly.

SpottyC said...

If I knew that a man died because of a lie I told I could not bear this weight. I know this is a hard way to relate tis situation to but it is like Jesus Christ who died for my sins and lies when he was innocent. This breaks my heart.