Friday, March 23, 2007

It's All Over!

The book is done, but I don't now if I should be excited. Towards the end of the book I finally started to like it. At the beginning of the book and pretty much through it until the trial, I thought that it was boring. I really started to get interested during the trial because I am interested in law, and it just kept going on through to the end of the story. I thought that the last couple of chapters were interesting and I really liked how Harper Lee ended the story.


Anonymous said...

yeah you are right about the boring part of the first few chapters but it got better as it went on and i like how harper lee ended the story too!!

sugsnoyl22 said...

The story started off slow and definetly picked up but I can't agree on liking the ending too many qusetions left unanswered.

sugsnoyl22 said...

The story started off slow and definetly picked up but I can't agree on liking the ending too many qusetions left unanswered.