Monday, March 5, 2007

Jason and the Gorgon's blood

Yes, it sounds like a very weird book, I know. I checked the book out because it was about a boy in ancient Greece. The book has a really slow beginning I almost quit reading it, but today it got really interesting. I do not want to give the story away so I will not tell you the secret that he learns, but I will tell you that it has to do with him being royal. I also have noticed that in the book it mentions things that the ancient Greeks practiced. Things such as praying to the Fates when some one was sick. And blaming things on different gods. I thought that it was interesting after finishing the Odyssey.


SpottyC said...

That sounds like it kind of ties in tho the Odessy and that kind of thing! Cool!

BlondeC8 said...

I hate when books start slow!!I would have given up on it already!The Odessey was a great adventure and I enjoyed it alot!Your book sound like it would be very intreging to me!I'm glad things are picking up in it though!!