These are the kids I think that run around the little town in Alabama. I like my high tech swings a lot better then what they had. It would stink I think to live in a small little town. It would be so boring. To Kill a Mockingbird is an exception but really how many towns are like Mayberry? It is unrealistic to think they could possibly be that exciting but it makes a good story.
I totally agree that it would be really boring to live in a small town. My grandma does and there is never anything to do there. However it would be nice to have a sense of belonging in a community because everyone knows each other.
i disagree with your thought of nothing to do in a small town. My dad and grandparents live in a small town adn there is always something to do. Like play cards, watch t.v, read a book, sleep, go swimming in the creek if its warm enough, or just play a game out side. There is so much more that u can do in the country. I actually wish i lived there then here.
Ganster Chick, everything you just said we can do here in the city. Play cards, watch T.V., read a book, sleep, go swimming or play a game outside. Actually most of those things are better to do in the city. Playing cards is better in the city because more people live in the city so playing cards is easier. My relatives live in the country and unless we come down they don't have enough people to play cards so they do it on the internet which is not as fun. Watching TV is way easier in the city because trees will mess up your signals. You can read a book anywhere. We have creeks here and big with high dives like Highland Springs so swimming is better in the city. Playing a game outside is way better in the city because you have a neighborhood full of kids playing one huge game of whatever. In the country you have like 6 kids so there is not as much to do. If you were trying to convince me living in the country was better then you failed. All your reasons could be done in my neighborhood. Ohio made a good point by saying you would know everyone and that is a good reason to live in the country. Also you get to know nature better. Those are reasons to live in the country, what you said made no sense. PLEASE think before you type. That is one of our rules so follow it.
Well, when you live in the country you get to enjoy the tranquility of knowing that people like clayton bigsby live a good 20 minutes away at least.
I said living in the country was tranquil and I am not degrading it in any way. I actually want to live in the country when I get older. I love silence and peacefulness. It is nice.
Hey didn't blondeC have a comment on here awhile ago? Why did you take it off?
Clayton Bigsby this isnt a competition she was just saying that she would want to live in the country! Dont get so ofensive. Its ok :)
The reason I deleted her comment because it had things I thought were incorrect. It is my post and if I think they go against the rules then I will delete them. She went against my right to think and constructively critize ganster chick.
It is not a competion. There is both sides to the story and I would feel bad if some people did not get all the information they deserve.
I am not a COMMENT NATZI. There both sides to the issues and blondec8 had a very one sided comment and It went against the open mindness I wanted in this blogg.
How does censorship promote an open-mind?
I am sorry. Blondec8 can make a her comment again I am sorry!! I shouldn't have deleted it and I am sorry. I was just mad.
Dear Mr. Bigsby, Please don't delete anyone's comment. We will all focus on appreciating all of our differences. That's what blogging is about, sharing opinions, making connections, and seeing things in a new way.
thats just showing how mean you first using other's names and then deleting peoples comments. Blondec has every right to post what she wants just like have every right to post. Do you see me deleting your comments cause your against me? no i am nice and i no everyone has equal rights on here. I dont care if your against me, there is a lot of things you can do in the country that you CANT do in the city. Maybe you should go live in the country for the summer and see how it is.
Ok I never said lving in the country was boring. I saaid I am sorry for delting her comment. Your reasons that you gave for living in the country made no sense. Your reasons for living in the country applied to the city better then the country. I got to go to Spanish. Type later.
Gangster Chick- living in the country would be nice but you didnt name the reasons why it would be nice. You said watching TV and reading a book. All of which can be done in the city. Reasons to live in the city would be like a more peaceful life, being able to own more land, knowing the whole town, getting to know nature first-hand and just living the country life.
These are good reasons. Say any one of your reasons I will say I like doing those things in the city better. I challenge you to name one of your previous reasons and prove to me how it can be better in the country.
Well let me get my two cents in on this one. The country is much more quiet and peaceful. It would be nice to wake up in the morning and go sit out on the porch and enjoy the great outdoors while eating breakfast. The privacy would also be fantastic. And uhhh....BARKING DOGS SUCK! I wake up every morning to my neighbors dogs barking at their tails or whatever they do. I like the city but it is fun to go to my lakehouse in the summer and just relax.
if u went and swan in the creek in the country, there wont be anyone there and you can see other animals. And alot of nature. Here, where the creeks are, there are not that much woods around there. And there is paved busy roads around the creeks and the cars scare the animals away. Plus when i sleep, i dont hear animals making noise, but in the city, when i sleep, all i here are cars and anmials making noise. I play cards with my grandparents and dad and i think i grow closer to them when i do that. Playing cards with friends is boring cause they fight and are immature and playing with family and older people is for fun and dont get mad if u make a wrong move or something. Plus you can go out side and see nature in real life and in the city theres alot of buildings and cars and people. You can also get ALOT of home cooked meals. Well atleast i can. If you still want to argue with me, thats fine. Im sorry for making you mad but i have an opinion too.
this is kind of fun to watch, I have my money on Bigsby.
You are not making me mad. I actually feel sorry for you. You swim in that disgusting creek water? That stuff is sick. I mean it would be alright twenty years ago but now all those frogs are dying and you swimming in that? I never said anything about living in the city I am talking about the suberbs. There I do not hear alot of cars. I guess I don't live next to enough gangsters gangster chick. You are a gangster right? Or is that just your name. Oh well you called yourself that so oh well. I said a reason to live in the country woud be animals. You said stuff like TV and books. So don't steal my stuff. I told you to make me believe one thing you said in the first comment was better in the country. Also the only reason you play cards is because you are in town! If you weren't there then your grandpa would have nothing to do except play cards on the internet. When you come down to the country you do all the fun country stuff because your in town and your family makes the most of it. If you actually lived in the country you wouldn't be able to take classes with laptops. You would just take basic classes because there is not eenough students in the country to have a wide variety of classes. Again I said living in the country would be better because of the nature quit taking what I said. Again you get homecook meals because you don't have the option of 100 restaurants to choose from. In the city I could have a homecooked meal everynight or I also have the option of hundreds of other restaurants. I think I am making you mad beause what say is better in the city or you use what I have already said. Really country life would be nice but what you say just brings up more reasons why it would be boring.
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