Monday, March 5, 2007

My 10 things

1. I play basketball
2. I have 2 other brothers that are very similar to me
3. I was a dolphin
4. I am a boy
5. I played basketball for Kickapoo
6. My brothers play sports like baseball.
7. I own Adidas basketball shoes
8. I own Jordan shorts
9. I am a balla
10. I own a couple kickapoo hoodies


betty said...
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braven gilmore girl said...

At first when you said you were a dolphin i thaught you meant like in another life.

BlondeC8 said...

I'm not very good at basketball at all.I go to all the Freshman games though!!Go Chiefs!!

Anonymous said...

mr garison needs his skin back =P

butters said...

that is cool.

westham said...

david...u idiot