Monday, March 5, 2007

my book has feelings! =]

Have you ever found a book that you have never heard of before? Not even from your own friends? It makes me feel like a discovered a really good book! I’m reading the book Stolen Voices, and its getting really good right now. I’m in the Second World War, and the child is so upset and misses her father! She hasn’t seen him in what feels like forever, and writes letters to him every time she has the chance. =[ it makes me want to cry! This girl is so strong! She is going through a lot especially knowing that every time her father doesn’t write her back, she probably thinks he is dead! And this would kill me to think that she might not be able to walk down the aisle with her dad! Aw it makes me want to cry! And this is a real story to!


Little Miss Sunshine said...

Wow! This book sounds very interesting! I hope you keep up in tune with what happens next!! =0

BlondeC8 said...

wow it sounds so depressing!!I wouldn't want my dad to go to war espaically not WW2.My grandfather fought world WW2.I don't know much about what he did though becuause he died from a hart attack when I was very young.

gangsterchick said...

what is the author to this thrilling book? i would love to read it.