Saturday, March 10, 2007

Praise for Eragon!!!!

I Love this book.

That means I love this book. I saw the movie and so far the book is nothing like the movie. The book is so much better. I wish I would have more time to read. I also wished I wasn't reading two books at the same time but oh well. I have game so gotta run. BYE :).


BlondeC8 said...

I haven't seen the movie yet and I probably should!I have been wanting to go see it.I'm glad you like your book.Have fun or do well at your game.I don't know if you are playing in it or watching it.

braven gilmore girl said...

I did not realize Eragon was a book, I knew it was a movie though. I really like the theme song to the movie, it is Keep Holding On by Avril Laveign.

Eazy B said...

I don't know about the book, but that movie was SO bad...