Saturday, March 10, 2007

The Wedding by Nichloas Sparks is the book i am curently reading. Its a about a family of Wilson (the father), Jane (the mother), and their 3 grown up children. Jane is the daughter of Noah and Allie Colhoun from the novel "the notebook". Wilson thinks their marrige is falling apart and runs to Noah for help. This is how far i am and im only on page 26. :D yea i know. This is an intresting book so far. Having two of Nicholas Sparks's books corrispond to eachother and having the exact people and places in both books is pretting cool.

Well i hope everyone is enjoying their weekend and reading "to kill a mockingbird" I haven't YET because I finished "the notebook" and now into "the wedding". yea, how great is that? Well see you guys Monday in class!
I also think the song "tim mcgraw" by taylor swift goes along with the book "the notebook"


BlondeC8 said...

I really want to read the wedding after I read the notebook.Keep me posted on how you like it!The song Tim Magraw in my opinion doesn't really go with the book the notebook becase Tim Magraw is about a girl who is broken up with her boyfriend and she wants him to remeber her and the memories they had.Livin on love by Alan Jackson describes the notebook because the boy had no money and wasn't worth any thing but the love they shared got them threw everything.

gangsterchick said...

will the video reminds me of the notebook i dont know though