Friday, March 9, 2007

Wish The Prices Were Still This Way!!

Well i chose this picture because i was amazed by how much food was still in the store. I also chose it because of how the prices of the food and if you can see there is no one in the store because no one can afford it!


peanutbutterisyummy said...

Wow that's so weird to think that the prices were so low back then! But I guess during the depression, no one could afford anything!

peanutbutterisyummy said...

that would be really sad and I would be miserable!

gangsterchick said...

I like this picture too. It shows how prices were back then and how they have changed since now. Having those prices today would make the world a lot easier and people wont be poor or living on the streets. But that will never happen.

BlondeC8 said...

Those prices would be really great to have now but then how would our economy function?It is sad to think that they could not affored 54 cents for sugar!