Monday, April 30, 2007


I thought it was totally weird that in the modern version of Romeo and Juliet the balcony scene wasn't even the balcony scene!! They were in a swimming pool! Even though it wasn't acted very well and the lines were pretty much the kind of took Shakespeare's originality out! Then again that whole movie does. At least the older version of the play keeps it original and has the balcony scene! What do you think?


This weekend was Prom. It was really fun and really cool to dress up. I will try and upload some pictures or something. Today in class we are watching and reading about the balcony scene, which is act two scene one and scene two. Romeo and Juliet is really interesting I think. I love, love, love the new version that we are also watching in class, along with the older original movie. No fear shakespeer is a big help too for reading along and understanding the way the script is written.

Man, this year has gone by so fast!
I think so anyway...
what do you guys think?

and how has everyone's freshman year gone?

Sunday, April 29, 2007

A hole in ONE??

Today I went mini golfing with my youth was so much fun!! Of course I lost! I got one hole in one but it was only by a miracle! I was the first person to go and so when I went my ball got in every one's way!! So my friend Destony hit her ball, which just happened to hit my ball! And my ball was like ten feet away from the hole to make a hole in ONE!! I couldn't believe it I laughed for like five minutes was pretty funny! The rest of the time I got like sixes and above but everyone else was having mercy on me because I was doing really bad and I usually got more than six putts!! O well I felt a lot better when we went to Andy's to eat ice cream after we got done Mini Golfing at Fun Acre! What did you do Sunday night?

Romeo and Juliet

I am a little confused on what is going on in class and what we are supposed to be reading. I know that we finished Act I and we started Act II, but I dont know if we are supposed to be reading on our own time? I dont remember Ms. James assigning reading but I'm not sure. So could someone help me out?

KC Soccer League

Well today i went to KC for soccer games, and they didn't go so great. The first game we started off good, and then the ref wasn't watching her clock and the other team scored 30 seconds before the ref ended the game. And so we tied 1-1 on the first game. The second game i dont even know what happened. It was terrible. We lost 4-0 and unfortunately it was the same ref from the previous game. And i am just now getting home which is why im blogging.

The Fatal Crash

I know how I always seem to write about someone dieing, but believe me I'm not screwed up I'm just reporting current news. So with that out of the way, last night relief pitcher Josh Hancock of the St. Louis Cardinals was killed in a car crash after their game. Hancock was driving late at night when his car hit a parked tow truck trying to load a stalled car in the middle of the highway, it is believed that Hancock was killed instantly. This is a far to familar incident for the Cardinals with this being the second loss of a player in the last 5 years.

The Little Lad Dance (A Follow up To Berries & Creame!)

Okay, I was watching the Berries & Creme video again and I spotted the link to THE LITTLE LAD DANCE Just click here <--- and watch how you too can joinin on the Berries & Creme dance! =D ~Toodles~

Picture Poem

I don't know if anyone agrees with me, but I don't really like poetry, I think it's kind of boring. When I found out that we were going to have to write a poem I wasn't very excited, but once we started it I kind of liked it. I liked getting to use a picture and coming up with the poem from your thoughts from the picture, it made the poem so much better and more interesting.

Sleep and Peace

Act II is romantic so far...Romeo really sounds like he is madly in love, because he finally quit all that jibber jabbering, and he got down to business. I don't really believe in Love @ 1st sight, but these series of events make me realize that anything is possible, from pregnant, married 12 year olds in the 16Th century, to madly in love after 5 seconds of meeting. Shakespeare really has a way with words and he really gets his readers into the play, and you feel like you're there, watching it in the open dome playhouse. It's getting interesting...I can not wait to see what happens next when the messenger comes...
Until then! :D

The Way To Boston

The Boston Marathon is oldest marathon that is still being run today and back in Dick Beardsley running days. It was also one of the most prestige races with the best marathoners in the world coming there for one purpose and that is to win. It is always a great feeling when you win any marathon but win you win the Boston some say it is better than winning the Olympics. Dick Beardsley wanted to win this race and by now he was a world class runner and one of the best in the world. His best race was a 2:09 which is one of the best times ever run. This time was run at Grandma's Marathon in Duluth which also set a course record. He was training hard but was coming off some injuries which put him back to only 100 mile weeks instead of the 120 to 140 mile weeks he was used to. Now that might sound like a lot of money but when that is your job you have to do it. This years Boston was in 1982 with a pretty tough field especially with Alberto Salazar. Dick was running a very good race after he and Salazar had left the field in the dust since the weather was so hot for a marathon. They were at pace to break 2:10:00 with a 1:04 half way point. With about a half of a mile to go they were still neck and neck but Dick was about to take off when he got a big Charlie Horse in his right calf. He thought that it was over when Salazar blew past him but he stepped in a pothole which actually took the charlie horse right out of his leg and he was able to run again so he took off trying to catch Salazar but with about 150 yards to go a motor cycle cut him off and he lost to Salazar by about 2 or 3 yards. Here is a link to a sight with a bunch of good running pictures of Dick and one of him at the 1982 Boston Marathon on the stand.

Staying the Course

Staying the Course: A Runner's Toughest Race is a great book. It is about Dick Beardsley who in High School was never a runner until his junior year and didn't make the varsity team until the last few races. He didn't run his junior track season because it was during fishing season. With his senior year left in cross country he was the number one runner on his team but he never broke sixteen (which is kind of the mark showing that you are a good cross country runner). He was good enough his senior year in track and in cross to get a scholarship to a junior college in the area. He had two years of eligibility there but but some how he got three in track and two in cross country. Dick was turning into a very good distance runner so his coach told him he should try to start running marathons. He did his first marathon in 2:33:06 which is very good for his first one but it is no where near world class. Dick was going to go for the 1980 US Olympic team because he made a qualifying time of 2:20:22 seconds. That only got him 44th place in that race but he still was able to go to the Olympic trials. But at the Trials he didn't make the Olympic team but he had a great experience and learned a lot but he was running out of money so he went to a sporting goods show where he passed out his resumes to big name companies like Nike,addias, and New Balance. New Balance signed him and he got a new pair of running shoes that moment. Dick became a very big name when he started getting under 2:20:00 consitantly. Here is a link with the book I am readin in it.

Saturday, April 28, 2007


Does anybody else normally not like poetry? I don't enjoy poetry usually but I actually enjoyed the poems we wrote on Thursday and Friday. I wrote mine about golf and it really kind of made it fun. When you can make poetry about things you like it becomes interesting and intriguing. I hate poetry normally because most poems are boring and uneventful but when you read a poem that is full of action it really comes alive almost. I hope everybody enjoyed writing their poem and I can't wait to hear some of them!

The show....

Well as I had mentioned earlier I had to perform in our Raising America show yesterday! Over all it went pretty well but our sound man was gone so...we had a new and so the sound was kind of messed up because you could hear our voices really well but not the music! So...that was kind of a bummer! Everybody did really well on our dances and I don't think there was any mess ups besides a few here and there. My dance partner and I had to do this really hard dance lift...well not that hard but we had never like nailed it and this was our first time doing it and we did amazing!! And most importantly he didn't drop me!!! So I had a good time last night and our audience told us they really enjoyed the show so that is a plus!!

Friday, April 27, 2007

An Old Duck

An Old Duck

On an eerie night a full moon shines bright
Fishers and fish all in rested in bed
Only a long duck paddles through the dark murky waters
He swims and swims until he sees the dock
Tons and tons of beautiful boats resting on the shore
One curious duck hopes onto a boat
What a dazzling sight
The lakes look a lot different now
The old duck never had this perspective
The lake was glistening
But now the moon had risen
And the duck’s time has come
He falls back through the shadows
The shadows of time and space
Old ducks die, baby ducks live


Today in class we conferenced about our original poem! My "Responder" helped me a lot! She helped me because she gave me using more colorful words and to really take time to search for the perfect words!! She also helped me write more by the questions she asked and it also helped me be more descriptive!! The conferencing really helps me!! What does it do for you?

Out of the Darkness

Darkness consumed the last beam of light like a hungry beast.
We crawled on our hands and knees, wincing at the scratches illuminated by our flash lights as the jagged rocks dug into our skin.
Relief fills my soul like water filling a glass.
Sliding onto a small tunnel
The thick, paste, of mud oozed between our fingers as strong soldiers army crawled through the narrow passage.
Claustrophobia takes over my mind like an evil drug.
I push fear aside and keep going.
The cool mess tangles my hair and covers my face.
The cave's mouth opens wide and spits us out.
Our eyes squint and adjust to the sun.
We burst out in laughter, hysterically rolling on the ground.
Each one of us is caked in mud from head to toe.
Our ponytails stick out wildly in all different directions.
Click, a memory of coming out of the darkness will never be forgotten.

My poem

Here's my poem, tell me if you like it:

Make Them Matter

We're only here for a moment
Like a wive crashing down on the shore
So make friends when your 3 and keep them
Just sit back and enjoy the view
Wiggle your toes in the sand
And don't worry about all the things on your to-do list
Chat with a girlfriend about nothing
And Laugh until your belly aches
Remember the compliments you get
And the times you were truly happy
But forget the rest
Because the rest dosen't matter
It's the good moments that count

It's rough but thats the first copy

Poetic Writing

I am really enjoying this poem writing. I am very surprised because I did not really like all. I only liked it if it made sense, rhymed, and it was about something that I cared about. This was a really eye opener for me because it is not as easy as it looks. I also had a fun time trying to figure out what I wanted to say, how I wanted, and other things. I am writing about nature and my picture is pretty cool :D.

My picture is from a trip I took with my church and it was pretty awesome....the picture anyway. This is not the picture but yeah this was pretty and I like it. It is peaceful and beautiful. It captures the beauty of nature in all its glory. I love it :]
I can't wait to hear everyone's poems in class. That is if we get to hear everyones poems in class which I hope we do.

ipod cheating

I was just browsing yahoo news. I came upon this article about ipods and how people are cheating on tests with their ipods. Students used baseball caps to write answers on the tip of the cap. When those were banned, they used their cell phones to test people for answers. Now they are using ipods and downloading recorded media players of the information they need to pass the test. Schools accross the nation are now banning ipods because of this. Here is the link to this article:

I didnt even know people would do something like this. I wouldn't of even think of cheating like that, well let alone cheat on tests. I thought people listen to ipods to concitrate on tests and when getting bored in class after getting work down, listen to them. I guess not. Wow this is really cool to read about how people cheat.


Today we did peer conferencing and it went pretty good. My picture was of me, standing on the sand at the beach of Gulf Shores. The poem is describing a girl going into the water and waiting for a wave to ride, but she has great fear is doing so.

Ride the Waves

She awoke to the heat of the early August morning

Humidity stuck in the air from the gulf, which lay yards away

She would go out to the beautiful beach, while the sun hit her back with unbelievable heat

How peaceful it was that day

Happiness overtook her with great power

She walked out further and further into the water, fearing the massive ocean might take her

The waves moved strongly, and hit her with great force

They seemes to be angry with her

She held the tube tightly in her arm, praying to God that she would live through this

Her father stood beside her, waiting for her to get on the tube

She did, and shook with nerves, as they waited for a worthy wave to approach

Here it came, with much intensity

She screamed, not from being scared, but from excitement, as it brought her back to shore

She stood up with confidence, and walked out into the water

To ride the waves again

I know it's long, and I still have some revising to do!


Not Quite As Good As Shakespeare

I sit on the floor rolled into a ball
As I hear the guard outside my cell chuckling into thin air.
I gaze into the dead eyes of my Barbie, who is my only companion.
I look up at my mom, whose face is hidden behind the little lens of the obsolete camera,
As if documenting my every movement within these bars
With each random burst of blinding light.
I beg and I mooch to abandon this place.

I come back to reality, hearing my mischievous sister's laughter.
The rusting cage around me appears to be closing in around me,
Like a boa getting ready to squeeze its prey.
After continuous minutes of pleading, my sister smiles as if she has just won a race
And she lifts the cage, after being trapped for an eternity,
Off of the living room floor and I bolt to my feet,
Alleviated to be out in the open once again.

Okay, this is not as great as the poetry in Romeo & Juliet, but it is a work in progress. Please let me know what you think I should revise. Do I use enough Poetic Devices? Senses? Vocabulary? I would greatly appreciate it if you would take some time to help my poem be the best that it can be! =) Thanks, and have a great weekend! P.S. I'll be sure to scan my picture for my poem on this post over the weekend!

Ocean's Fear

Ocean’s Fear

Ocean’s face changes as fast as an
Ocean’s wave crashes.
Fear fly’s across the face
And doubt surfaces like a volcano about to explode.
The cushion of the bed of which they sit on
gives the body a sense of rest.

The cool blue color of the room
endows a feeling of peace.
As the mysterious object approaches
The fear gets stronger.

The heat of the moment heats up inside.
And a tremble shoots through the skin.
Suddenly it’s over.
The flash takes place.

The picture is taken.

Writing Poems

I actually had a lot of fun writing my poem last night. Usually I hate writing poetry and it is really hard for me but this time it didn't seem so bad. At first I was going to write about the show I did at Silver Dollar City this spring but then I decided to write about my favorite place in the world to vacation, the ocean. Because I love the ocean so much it wasn't hard at all to think of the things that I smell and hear when I am there. When I lived in Texas we used to go all the time to Galveston and swim and play in the Gulf of Mexico. It was a blast and I have so many wonderful memories from going there. We would build sand castles, get knocked down by waves, or search for sea shells. The only bad part was the nasty sea weed that was every where. Another fond memory I have of the ocean, is when I went on a cruise to the Bahamas when I was in 6th grade. The ocean was absolutley perfect. It was this gorgeous clear, crystal turquise. It was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. The sand was also perfectly white and clean. While I was there, I drank the milk out of a coconut. Surprisingly, it was very yummy. My favorite part of the cruise was when my mom, dad, and I got to swim with dolphins. They were so cute except the water was really cold. I hope to venture back to the ocean some day. I miss it so much. It is the one place I feel completely at peace. I don't even know what words to use to describe it.
So this weekend we have to revise our poems. It is going to be very difficult for me to find things to change because I am so happy with how my poem turned out. I hope I can find some good ways to use some poetic devices that our not cheesy. The revising stage is always the most difficult step for me in all writing. Well I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend. Have fun working on your poems!!!

The First!

Earlier in the year I had told you all about another show that I am in called Raising America! We are learning lots of new dances and I think we are going to add another segment to the show!! So tonight we have our first Raising America show of the year and I am really excited but a little nervous because I have to dance with a new partner!! Plus I have to sing this one song that I haven't sang or practiced for a while called "Where the Boys Are?" I hope everyone in my show does well and that we perform the best we can!! I believe that you should give everyone the best show you can give even to the smaller audiences...a very wise young lady told me that when I didn't feel like giving my best...thank you!!

Free verse poetry

I like to write poetry using free verse because I do not like have to find different ways to use poetic devises. I think that if you are not a professional poet and you try too hard to rhyme or have a beat.
I am glad that we were able to use free verse peotry so that we did not have to worry about making out poems rhyme, because it would make us look like really bad writers.


So I'm reading Romeo and Juliet and it's starting to get easier for me. I like watching the movie though better. It's a lot easier for me to see it instead of reading it. Blogging is getting harder and harder for me because i feel like i'm running out of stuff to say. Anyone else? I used to be so excited to blog, but now I feel like i should blog about english and stuff related to class. I don't know anymore. Well I'm out of stuff to write about so I'll blog again later.


Hockey is Life

My picture was of me playing hockey

I have ice in my blood

It keeps me on edge

Always ready for the next drop of the puck,

The next big hit,

screaming fans,

blood on the ice

Whether mine or theirs

This is my crusade.

Rubber in the Twine,

Gatorade in the Cup,

Going all out on every play,

Never leting anyone beat me to the puck

Accepting nothing but victory

Playing fearless end to end

always with the same intensity,

Not just dreaming about the highlight reel but being in it

Leaving everything on the ice

whatever it takes,

I will never give up

Hockey is Life

My picture poem.

My picture was of my father and me. We were at a country dance for Girl Scouts. My poem used many details and poetic devices. This is my poem.
Excitement filled me up.
Not knowing what to expect,
We walked in together being dressed alike.
As we went in a smell so tempting greeted us at the door.
It turned into a delight of food like one would find at the Dixie Stampede.
Then we danced in a square and in a line.
We all gathered around in a shpare of a horse's shoe.
To find out who surpassed who.
In my mind I was ready for triumph,
Names were being called,
I was filled hope,
Waiting to hear mine,
Finally it came,
We had won for the reason that we were best dressed.
I like my poem. I think that it explains what happened that night very well. Like other posts I also do believe that poetry is personal because it something that you create. In some poetry people might feel like they should keep it to themselevs, but they shouldn't. Writing poetry can be hard for that reason; not wanting to put yourself out there to much. I like this assignment it was good to get a chance to create my own poetry.



I really like free verse poetry
I think its a lot easier then essays
The words come out a lot easier
But i don't like doing poetry for class though
I don't like using the poetic devises
Because that's not me
I think they make my poems sound cheesy
My poetry is too personal
It's not gonna be in a book or something like that
So why does it need to be a certain way?
I like my poems how i like them

By the way heres a website i found about poetry around the world

Thursday, April 26, 2007


As we have gotten farter into the story, Romeo and Juliet i am beginning to understand the true meaning of it. Young love simply.The movies are really cool, but the newer one is kind of weird. ha. but i like the original one too.Also its really neat to read something different than what we read today. It's difficult but it makes it fun, and if you really think about it, it come easier. I appreciate the No fear shakespear..but, i dont know what would happen if you just read the original text because you are able to read the easier version on No fear sSakespear. I'm really enjoying the story so far! I hope you are too!
~pink power ranger


Why am I good at poetry and yet i am terrible at almost everything I do that is English related!!! I breezed through my writing today and it isn't so masculine, but I liked writing it. It was nice to write poetry so I could get things I have been thinking about for a long time out of my head. I would rather write poetry than essays that is for sure.

Competion and poetry

This weekend I have a big science competition.I haven't really studied that much for it though.It is in Columbia and I get out of school after 3rd block.I have three events and I have to take a test for each one.In the regional competition I placed 2nd in one of my events and 5th in the other.Wish me good luck! I loved doing the picture poetry!I have alot of fun choosing the right words for my poem.I liked reading and seeing other people's poems and pictures.At first I thought that it would be kind of hard because I had to write a long poem that was free verse,but I ended up liking it in the end!

Picturing a Poem!

Creating a poem that is from a picture is challenging at the beginning. if you have your own picture that you know what it looks like then it would be a little easyer because you would already know what is in the picture. but in the situation like mine i had to look at everything and write down all the things in the picture and when i started writing everythng then i would notice something differnt about the picture so it is basically writing about nothing because it is a pic that you have never seen befor!


On Tuesday, I went to Branson again!! It wasn't for fun and games though but instead I went to do some hard core practicing! We have to learn this new dance to the old song that everybody knows "We Go Together!" This dance is the fastest and funnest dance I have ever learned!! It was so hard to learn though it took me about two and half hours to get it down just perfect! We had to practice in my friend Laura's garage and it was a two way garage so we could get lots of air! Then in the middle of while we were practicing it started puring down rain and their dog named Bear ran inside the garage and almost tripped one of us while we were dancing!! I had so much fun that night and I love spending time with my friends even if I have to work hard to learn a new dance!


In class today I had so much fun trying think of a picture to use for my poem! Then I finally found the perfect one of me and my friends in the lake at Moonshine Beach. That day was so amazing, so I just wrote my poem about how felt, and what I did there! If no one minds I will give you a little sample of the beggining of my poem:

Me and my gang

We happily link our toes to the rocks below

Getting caught up in the moment of playing marko-polo

Feeling as joyous as the fishies below

What did you think of the first lines? I was pretty excited about the writing and can't wait to make it even better by the drafts that we are going to do!

Picture picture picture!

Today in class we are going to work with pictures and poems. The picture I brought to class today was a picture of my brother, my dad and I at a cardinals baseball game. Our family are huge fans the cardinals games so we often go to them. In the picture we are in the stands really happy because we got really good seats. I also chose this picture because I know alot about it and I know who took the picture and who is in the picture. I can usually write easier poems and story's when I know alot about the topic I have to write about how about you?

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Childhood Memories

At first I really wasn't sure what picture to chose for class but, I chose a picture of myself when I was a little kid. (that is not me in the picture) In the picture I am at a pumpkin patch in my old town in Ohio. It brings back a lot of memories that I can write about such as my old friends, my old house, holidays, and basically just growing up. I think that it is really important to remember the kid inside of you. Younger kids are so carefree and they just live their lives to the fullest. Even though it is important to work hard in life, it is also important to just enjoy yourself and have fun! I am interested to see how we are going to use these pictures!

vocab does it help?

I believe that the vocab has really helped me to understand the reading even more. By looking up each of the words i can learn them and then apply them into the play. This way i understand the scenes that i may not hav before. Such as the word pun. When i learned that it meant a word with a double meaning different scenes began to make more since. Also it allowed me to answer the questions on the study guid. About the study guide, i think it is really long but overall i think it will be helpful in the end. What do you guys think about all of this?

Jim Gaffigan

Jim Gaffigan!!
That is all I have to say to explain him...just kidding! Jim is one of the funniest comedians I have ever seen!! He is so good at making people laugh! He takes every day common things and takes funny to the next level! For instance, he makes jokes about hot pockets and how they are old meat and a pocket and they might as well call it a dead pocket! Then another one of his jokes is about Fruit Cake!! "Fruit good, cake great, fruit cake...nasty crap!! I mean I don't even think that is fruit in that take a bit and you're like what a skittle!! It is like the baker put all of his left over scraps on the on the counter and scooted them into a bowl and said I think I'll mix it together and call fruit cake!" The jokes of his makes me laugh so much! So I suggest that you go out and rent his comedy show! It is amazing!!

Shakespeare's Perspective

If William Shakespeare were to watch the modern movie of his story,"The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet," I believe that he would absolutely hate it and view it as a butchered version of what his message was and was trying to get across to the audience. I do not think that the modern day movie was what Bill wanted it to be viewed as. However, I do like the movie a lot better than the book because it is actually interesting and is more enjoyable than the actual play. Anyone feel the same way?

Branson Track Meet!!

Today during our English class our track team left for our meet in Branson! It was so much fun but of course I was really nervous because I had to run the mile sub six and I hadn't trained in about 2weeks!! So I got to my race and in the end I pulled off a 6:10 but it was better than my last race which was 6:18! So increased by 8seconds which wasn't to bad but not what I wanted...anyhow at the very end of the meet when the two mile boys were racing it started to pour down rain and lightning!! It was so much fun because we got soaked but we didn't get to finish the meet!! We still had one more event to run!! That is OK though because like half our team was gone today! So I had a fantastic time and I love to run!!! :)

Rhyme Time!

I really love poetry!I'm not very good at righting it,but I think it is so much fun.I like the rhyme kind the best.I really like Shell Silverstein.He is like a classic to me.I remember in elementary school I had a art teacher named Mrs.Crisp ,and before we left her class she would read Shell Silverstein's work.The poem I loved the most was "I wrapped myself in toilet paper" and the one about the robot that ate all the little boy's food so he wouldn't get poisoned.Now that I read those poems they don't have the same effect on me as they did when Mrs.Crisp would read them.I loved the poetry we did at the begging of class.I wish I would have gotten to hear others poems.Oh about the picture I love horses,and I have heard cowboy poetry.I like alot of it.

Mercutio = Fruitcake

After seeing the video of Romeo and Juliet, I have lost all respect for the character of Mercutio. Anyone who crossdresses to a party and then even acts just like a woman, gives me some doubt about them. The way the director depicted Mercutio made me not necessarily disgusted, but I was a little scared. Does anyone else feel the same way?


I am going to be leading the FCA meeting this Friday! I am pretty nervous about it but I think that I have a really good message for anyone who would like to hear it! I could really use your support and I hope to see you there! It is in the auditorium at seven fifteen!

The perfect picture

I came home from open gym today and my mind immediatly began to ponder what picture I would use for the poetry assignment in class. It was like and answer to my prayers because as soon as I walked into my room I saw a picture that had fallen off of my wall. I picked it up and it was a picture of the time my frinds and I went splunking with my youth group. Hardly any one showed up tho this trip except for the three of us and a couple other guys. We thought that the trip would be horrible seeing as we were the only other girls that were going, but it turned out to be great. The best part was getting all dirty. We wore old grubby camo clothes. I loved going through the mud tunnels. It was an extremely long passage that you had to army crawl through because it was only around two feet in diameter. This trip was a blast!

What would you do, in a situation, like mine?

Ok. can any one help me! In my forth period class, there are some people in that class that I can not stand! They are mean, self centered, and I cant learn a thing in that class! Today, people were throwing food, and they talk about things I cant even understand! I have a perfectly fine day, until my last class! Ugh people just make me soo mad! I really feel sorry for my teacher! She even tells us were her worst class! Ugh!!
But the day is almost over! I get to go home, take a nap, read a little Romeo and Juliet, get caught up on study guide, and
play some basketball!!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Can you believe some of the costumes?

Can you believe some of the costumes that are worn in this movie? Some of them are appropriate and some are just interesting. I think that they totally ruined the character of Mercutio in the modern movie. I would have liked to seen him in a different costume. I do understand though that they were going to a ball so it could have just been his costume but still it kind of did me in. Overall though I love watching the movie because it kind of brings Romeo and Juliet into our time. I am excited that we are actually getting into the part where Romeo and Juliet are falling for each other. I actually am beginning to understand the text as I read it and I am loving it actually more than I thought I would. Well, I hope everyone else is doing well with Romeo and Juliet. Hope everyone has a good week!

Injuries!!! :P

As you probably already know in the past year I have suffered from a stress fracture! I haven't had an injury since that time in my life, which has been like 4months! Then guess what happens I just have to get another leg problem except it is not with my left but no my good old right leg!! You see, about 2weeks ago I went to the Doctor and he said I had to lay off for about 2weeks because I had Post Tibial Tendinitis!! Yuck! I hate injuries! So a suggestion to all of you out there who are involved in sports just be smart and take care of your body! I do have some good news though I get to run in tomorrws meet because it has been two weeks!! So wish me luck on running the mile!! :)

My thoughts on things

I'm really enjoying this play.I really want to read the balcony scene I bet it will be the best part in the play except maybe besides their death.The old movie is my favorite out of the two.The old one gives a better setting and has more interesting costumes.Everything just goes together like the pieces of a puzzle.I dislike the new movie though I get a modern understanding of the play.I loathed The movie Moulin Rouge which is the director of Romeo and Juliet the new one.When I rented that movie in the first five min I turned it off.I gave it another chance when I watched it at my friends house,but I didn't like it at all.


Learning how to dance

Only understanding every other word of the play

Victoriouse feeling of desifering the language

Eventually finding out it is not that hard to understand
I think that it is interesting what we have been doing in class to understand shakespear it really helps me to know what is going on and really get into the story of romeo and juliet.

Ya about the modern movie

The movie really didn't help me see what was actually going on in the story. It mostly made me go cross-eyed because modern actors dont usually say those sort of lines. The fact that there were cars and guns didnt help me with the visual part either. I'm not really good at the whole imagery thing anyway though so i dont understand the story as it is! The no fear shakespeare site really helps me understand the text which is why i read it online instead of out of the book when we have reading assignments.


I think that Romeo and Juliet is a good story, it makes you think of how they both loved eachother even when they both find out that they are rivals. As you see in this picture they love eachother very much. I think that it is a good experinence to see how they talked back in the old days and i believe that it will help us in the long run. well i cant wait to get futher into the story.


Main Entry: al·lu·sion

Pronunciation: &-'lü-zh&n

Function: noun

Etymology: Late Latin allusion-, allusio, from Latin alludere

1 : an implied or indirect reference especially in literature; also : the use of such references

2 : the act of alluding to or hinting at something - al·lu·sive /-'lü-siv, -ziv/ adjective - al·lu·sive·ly adverb - al·lu·sive·ness noun

This is what allusion means according to Merriam Webster. Here is the link for more words

Two topics

I think that the dancing part of the Romeo and Juliet lesson was really fun and creative. It made me see how different the dancing really was back then. I didn't like the dancing in the new version of Romeo and Juliet because it wasn't realistic. I did however like the costumes of Romeo, Juliet, and Tybalt because it corresponded with their personalities. Romeo was a knight in shining armor, Juliet was an angel, and Tybalt was a devil stirring up trouble. I did not like Mercutio's costume because I did not see how his personality was anything like a woman.

I commented on the Virginia Tech Massacre and some of you seemed curious about what I said so here is the whole story. I was driving through Topeka, Kansas. I saw a church that was protesting the Virginia Tech Massacre Memorial/Funerals because they thought that the Massacre was caused of provoked by gay people. The church had a sign that said, "God hates gay people." It made me furious that any church could do this because Christians believe that God hates the sin and loves the sinner. I share this belief. God loves all of us unconditionally but He doesn't like our sin. I think that any side bar conflict that would be brought up like this church did is totally beside the point. The point is that a terrible crime happened and it shouldn't have happened no matter who was involved. I think that this church in Kansas is pretty messed up.

Romeo and Juliet: the Movies.

I like both the old movie and the new.

The Old: the old movie is very interesting and makes a lot more since than the new one. In the old one it is based on the story and that is it. It is not confusing, but it is somewhat boring.

The New: the new movie is very entertaining. I like this one a lot because it is modern (except the speaking) and we can relate. The man who directs this movie is the director of Moulin Rouge. In that movie it reminds me of Romeo and Juliet in a lot of ways. In Moulin Rouge the couple Christian and Satine must hide their love from everyone who works at the Moulin Rouge because they can't fall in love. At the end Satine dies of a deadly disease and before she dies she asks Christian to write a story of their love. It takes place in France in 1899. This is a lot like Romeo and Juliet so I found it somewhat interesting whenever I made the connection. And when he made the movie Romeo and Juliet he used a lot of modern music which is like what he did in Moulin Rouge.


Main Entry: met·a·phor
Pronunciation: 'me-t&-"for also -f&r
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English methaphor, from Middle French or Latin; Middle French metaphore, from Latin metaphora, from Greek, from metapherein to transfer, from meta- + pherein to bear -- more at BEAR

1 : a figure of speech in which a word or phrase literally denoting one kind of object or idea is used in place of another to suggest a likeness or analogy between them (as in drowning in money); broadly : figurative language -- compare SIMILE
2 : an object, activity, or idea treated as a metaphor : SYMBOL 2 - met·a·phor·ic /"me-t&-'for-ik, -'fär-/ or met·a·phor·i·cal /-i-k&l/ adjective - met·a·phor·i·cal·ly /-i-k(&-)lE/ adverb

Thats is what metaphor means according to Merriam Webster. Here is the link to the website.


We are reading Romeo and Juliet. I think that it is a really good story and I think its kind of cool to learn about the old time days. I really like the movie that we are watching though, its like a remake of the old play. It has good music to complement the modern day 'love stories' and 'love scenes'. The play is fun to read though because each person can have their own part and sort-of get a feel for the story. They speak very very different language so it is hard to read and comprehend sometimes but for the most part its fun to see how they talked and how different it is from now:)

So You Think You Can Dance?!

So does anyone here think that they can dance? I doubt you can dance as well as the people from Shakespears time period. I thought that the little dance off we had was really fun, even though the dance was a little weird I thought that it was pretty cool. I wonder what Shakespear would do if he tried to do the dance that many of us know called "the bump-and-grind". That would be pretty funny. Well input anyone?

Put your dancin' shoes onn! :D

So the past two days, we have been dancing. It was some different dancing, but fun at the same time. My partner and I got it down pretty well. It was fun because we dont really do anything very "active" in class and that was fun. When we did it, i kind of felt silly but it was okay. I mean not everyone did it but the majority of the class did! The dancing today is sooo much different than the dancing back then. I wonder what all of the people back in Romeo and Juliet time would think of the dancing now, because i know that i think the dancing back then was a little bit different. But I hope everyone enjoyed the dancing as much as i did! Have a good day! :)

~Pink Power Ranger

The movie...

Romeo and Juliet is a great tragedy/love story but the modern day version of it is really weird!! The new one starring Leonardo DiCaprio is so different!! I mean they use guns instead of swords and wear the modern day clothes...but still talk in the old text...I thought it was pretty strange. Right before the ball scene Mercutio shows up and does his Queen Mab speech...but he was dressed in women's clothing not to mention there wasn't much of the clothing there! If you didn't noticed he had an Afro on and lots of makeup! That is really strange...but I thought he was a funny character but they portray him so differently in both of the movies! What do you think?

The movie

Does anyone else think that the movie ruins the story? It changes Shakespeare's work into something totally different. The director even switches the script around, I'm sure Shakespeare would be horrified by the changes. Oh well, at least I know what's going on in the movie.

Berry's and Cream

Wow so our class is defiantly going way off on a random starburst topic? I can see though the relationship with Romeo and Juliet and because the guy does have a Romeo and Juliet attire on and he does speak with a weird accent. haaa

Well witch movie do you like better the new one or the old Romeo and Juliet? The new movie is alto easier to understand, but is kinda weird with the setting. The old one is hard to understand but has a better setting.
all about the movie

Arranged Marriages

Personally, I think that arranged marriages are completely unfair. Back in Shakespeare's time, getting married to someone didn't mean that you loved them. Today marriage is solely based on love. Wouldn't that be horrible to have to spend the rest of your life with someone who you don't really love or even like! The marriages were based on wealth and social classes. Even today people are judged by those standards. Love and marriage, however should not be based on those factors.


Oh my gosh the dancing we did yesterday and today was so much fun!! It is really hard to believe how much dancing has changed from that time period till now. My favorite part was the little kicking thing at the end. Well anyways, I read Act II Scene 1 and 2 last night and they were so good. I would have to agree with Ms. James that the balcony scene by far has been the best scene. The poetry was absolutely beautiful. I loved it. I can't wait to watch that part on the movie and read it in class so I can understand it even more. Romeo and Juliet is just getting better and better as I read more. Oh yes and how I could I forget the Starburst commercials were hilarious. I loved watcing them. Thanks so much super women for sharing those with us. It was a lot of fun.
So both of the movies have been really good so far. I personally have enjoyed the older one better because it is more believeable. During the Capulet ball in the newer film, the costumes that characters wore made it a lot easier to be able to depict the good from the bad. They had Tybalt dressed as a devil, Romeo dressed as a knight and then Juliet dressed as an angel. Those costumes were all perfect for those characters. The whole thing with the pill during Mercutio's speech and the other extra little things they added in I felt didn't really help me understand the play any better. And having Mercutio as a cross dresser, I had no clue what to think about that. I never pictured him as being like that so it kind of messed up the image I had of him. I don't think Shakespeare would like the newer version very much because I feel a lot of the stuff they added or changed took away from the story. Also, with it being in modern times and all with them still speaking in Shakespearean I felt they were kind of making fun of it the play. I am really excited to read on and watch more of the movie to find out what will happen next.

I wish people can love like Romeo and Juliet

Well I love, love stories, and the story of Romeo and Juliet are one of the most powerful love stories. Which gives me every right to love the story!! Were watching the modern day version of Romeo and Juliet, and its interesting! We will just have to see how the story ends up!!

What Is In a Name?

I am having a little bit of a hard time reading Romeo and Juliet, but I am doing better than I was. This scene is very interesting because that is where I get confused. What do Romeo and Juliet finally agree to do after they confess their love? It is kind of difficult. Ughhh. But I do feel bad that Romeo and Juliet can't love each other. It is sad that back in the day you can't love who you want and your parents are the ones who pick the one you marry.

Well the dancing yesterday was very awkward....since it wasn't really "dancing" to me. It was pretty much clapping so I didn't really like it. But I am glad that we finally have a chance to blog today since we haven't gotten the chance to in class for awhile.