Tuesday, April 24, 2007

What would Shakespeare think?


I think that Shakespeare would not be very happy withe the newer version of
Romeo and Juliet for many reasons.
I think this because the way that
the movie director viewed how the characters
should act and how they dress.
I think that in the newer movie the
way that some of the characters dressed,
such as how Mercutio dressed in act one scene 2,
ruined the real purpose of the scene.
And the way that Mercutio, in that same
scene, give an actual drug to Romeo,
instead of using it as a metaphor or the way that
Shakespeare wanted it to be.
So personally I think that Shakespeare
would not be happy with the newer version of
Romeo and Juliet because it gave different
views and perspectives that ruined the
feelings of love and romance
that Shakespeare had planned.

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