Sunday, April 22, 2007

Wolf Rider

This is my story

There comes a time in every orc’s life his skills are tested. They begin, where that of all orcs begin, in The Vale of Tribulations. Ever since I was born the orcs have expected greatness from me, Thrall Thalas son of Tyron Thallas who is King of all Orcs in Orclantia. My father has expected much of me ever since my brother died in his training. All of Orclantia morned his death and I was the last of the Royal Bloodline of Orcs.

One of my early tests at The Vale of Tribulations was to hunt food for the whole village there. So I went and killed over twenty boars. While I was out killing boars one orc came running in and said he was poisoned by a swarm of scorpions. We tried to rush him to the local apothecary but no antidote was there. After I hunted all the boars I went after the plague of scorpions. I killed all of them except one. It stung me right in the foot. I knew I would soon be overcome with the poison, so I killed it. When it was dead I took a poison sample and rushed to the apothecary. I felt the poison taking control of my entire body. At the apothecary they made the antidote with the remaining ingredient, poison of a scorpion!

With that my training in The Vale of Tribulations was complete. Afterward I headed out to the next and final test of my journey, Thorn Grove.

In Thorn Grove I would face my toughest tests yet. Normally you wouldn’t have to go there if you were just a normal orc, but I was made from greatness. There are the tests for future Wolf Riders, the generals serving under our leader Tyron Thallas. Wolf Riders are the third highest rank in the Orc Government under the King and Queen. But slightly above the princes and princesses. We answer to no one except them.

Thorn Grove first gave me hunting duties, to catch crabs along the coast, but then our commander stationed in Thorn Grove sent me to kill a gang of Centaurs to the west. It turned out they were planning a big invasion to destroy the village of Thorn Grove. The Commander was so proud of me he decided my tasks were going to finish very soon. He gave me my last task and that was to kill the crazed orc Archon.

That night, before my battle with Archon, I had many nightmares. Archon was my uncle and used to be the King of the Orcs. But he soon became power hungry and crazy. So the Wolf Riders, for the first time in Orc history, overthrew him. The leader was my father, our ruler now, Tyron Thallas. Although Archon escaped his execution and fled to islands of Phillipi, southeast of here, he didn’t just go by himself. He took a few goons with him. No one bothered them until my brother was sent to kill them. He killed many of the goons but they were too numerous and out of no where came Archon, bringing a deadly blow to his head. If I succeed in this task then I would receive all the fame and glory of becoming a Wolf Rider. But if I failed, then death was sure to follow.

The next day I set out for my last test. As soon as I got there I saw that the Island was filled with Archon’s goons. I slowly took each one them out as I steadily inched up the hill to where Archon lay in wait. Finally I took out the last three goons and out of the corner of my eye I saw Archon. Then I ducked out of the way of the throwing axe coming right at me. I quickly turned to face him and said, “You missed.”

He shot back, “No orc has ever left my island alive.”

“Your out of companions, your days are numbered!” I snorted.

“Your brother was just as cocky as you,” he shouted.

My orc blood rushed through my veins with the thought of my brother. I gave a battle cry and then charged Archon with my axe in hand. He quickly blocked it with his own axe, but I came down with such mighty force both our axes were destroyed. With no axes it became a fist fight. I threw him a upper cut and then he staggered me with a blow to the ribs. Right after that he tackled me to the ground and got on top of me. With his knees securely planted in my back he started to wail on me. When all my power was gone he rolled me over to my back and started to choke me. As the life was slowly draining out of me I thought of all my journeys and adventures. Then I thought about my brother and my family and knew I couldn’t give up. I was the last of the Royal Bloodline. With a gleam in my eye I saw a shard of the broken axe. I quickly picked it up it up and stabbed it into Archon’s jugular vein. The dirty, crazed orc fell to the ground with blood intermittently squirting out of his neck and I knew I had avenged my brother’s death. I spat on him and then took his head as proof of my kill.

When I returned to Orclantia they hung Archon’s head up in Town Square and threw a Royal Parade in honor of my victory and becoming a Wolf Rider. The whole town chanted, “Thrall, Thrall, Thrall!!!” At the end my father knighted me Wolf Rider and then I saw my Wolf. He was so beautiful. His muscles were hard, his eyes were cold blue, and his fur was as silver as my new steel axe. With my new ride I ruled all of Orclantia and my father and I became one of the strongest armies in the world.


SpottyC said...

Excellent story! Very creative. How do you think of these things?

SooperDooperPooperScooper said...

I just love your stories, too bad i've heard them before.Just kidding it was pretty interesting.