Friday, March 9, 2007

Helpless People...

I entitled this photograph, "Helpless People".
Two very sad children, maybe searching for hope. It was hardest for me to see all the children having so much sadness in their eyes. You can not see their eyes in this picture but you can tell by their body language just how lost they are. Just typing this and looking at this picture to get my analysis is making me very sad, and it's making me imagine just how it would be to grow up in these times...
We are reading To Kill a Mockingbird in class right now. This book took place during the depression, and World War II. I really thought that this book would be bornig, but so far so good.
I am also learning about the Great Depression in History class. It is very interesting to me and I am not sure why. I think it's because I hate sadness and I just couldn't even imagine living in these terrible times.

I am reading A Girl's Life Online, and I haven't gotten far enough to tell you about it. But I JUST finished Burned. That book was awesome. It was very sad though. If you have read Crank, or want to, deffinatly read Burned too. I've read both. And they are pretty short reads since the font is in poetry format.

That's meh post. Commments please :D


peanutbutterisyummy said...

Well, I have to say that this picture is one of the sadest I've seen on the blog so far! They look so helpless and sad! It's really touching and I agree that it makes you imagine what it was like to live during this era.

BlondeC8 said...

Ohh wow your picture was so depressing!I to liked learning about the depression.I just can't belive the U.S. fell that hard.It was very hard for me to comprhend how the U.S. was brought into the depression.I'm so glad we have safe gaurds now and ways to prevent that from happening ever again!

sadie star said...

aww that is sad. I dont like sadness either. when we learned about the Great Depression in History it was intresting to me too. Good Picuters to describe how you feel.