Sunday, April 22, 2007

12 Hours of Good,Clean Fun!

This Friday, the Kickapoo Superchicks met at 7:00pm at Glendale, for the 2007 All-Youth Relay for Life. If any of you have heard of it, you would know that it is an ACS based charity event that raises money for the cure to cancer. It was a wonderful experience, and I am happy to say that our group raised the most amount of money than any other Kickapoo group! We raised a total of $2,222, and we also sold the most Luminarias than any other team that paticipated. This event wasn't really about winning anything, it was really just some students getting together for a great cause!

On Friday, we camped out with about 72 other teams on the Glendale Football field for 12hours! It was very exciting to get the chance to spend 12hours with all of my friends! We ate hot dogs, drank a ton of energy drinks, sold Andy's Ice Cream, and walked about 37 miles all together! It was a really good experience and I was glad that everyone was having fun while doing a good deed! I'd like to thank everyone who participated this year, and hopefully next year, all you other bloggers will be apart of Relay for Life!!! Until then!!

P.S. Click here to see the ACS website!!


superw0men13 said...

relay for life was a ton of fun! It was the most fun I have had in a long time. I deffinately cant wait intill next year. Not to mention we had the coolest sweatshirt! haha! i love ya little miss sunshine!

SpottyC said...

I have wanted to go to the Relay for two years now. My brother was a leader and was going to let me join his group last year in eighth grade but then I had volleyball regionals in topeka,kansas and the same thing happened this year.

Eazy B said...

YAY! that sounds like fun I meant to sign up but never got around to it :(

piNkpwranger44 said...

Ohh my gosh relay for life was the best ever! Wow it was fun like superw0men said.. (the most fun i have had in a long time!) But like we already said Little miss sunshine we vote you as team captian again next year! Awesome job girl! It was fun! Ohh ya and congrats to cameron on being the best girl haha. :p