Monday, April 23, 2007

Berry's && Cream Berry's && cream!!!

The lad on starburst was hillarious to watch in class today. If you didn't see it today go to this link. The dancing thing that we did today was kinda dumb. ha ha. Well anyways, I'm so glad that we are finally got to the part where Romeo & Juliet meet. It is getting a lot better, and I am getting into the play a lot more. I'm excited to move on through the story. When Romeo & Juliet first met, the words they spoke to each other were beautiful. They are very romantic. I'm very glad we are getting into the romance of the story.


Boot said...

I know that was so funny what David pulled up on the computer for the whole class to see!! I laughed really fact I think that I will watch it right now!!

Little Miss Sunshine said...

Berries and what?!? Cream? Huuuhh!!! =) haha...bravengirl and I couldn't stop saying that yesterday! Good find superwoman!!

superw0men13 said...

haha! yah i watched 4 times last night!

hi my name is.... said...

That made me laugh :]
I loved that. I kind of agree about the dance thing. I don't see how that was "dancing" because all they're doing is clapping and stepping from the right to the left.

It was interesting

ohiogirl592 said...

I agree, I was kinda of bored of Romeo and Juliet but now that they have met it will get a lot more exciting!

Hogwired said...

I think this is absolutely hilarious. When I first saw this on tv I thought that it was so stupid but now it makes me laugh everytime.

braven gilmore girl said...

i liked the commercial it was really funny. i went home and showed my whole family! i have to admit i did not want to do the dance so i hid in the back lol!

superw0men13 said...

Yes well its ok braven GILMORE girl. My PARTNER would DANCE WITH ME???! COULD YOU BELIEVE THAT??!!?!?