Monday, April 16, 2007

Foto-Geschichte 3 Tätigkeit

I think the photo story activity we did was pretty fun today, mostly because the poem i read was about deadly tornadoes, wet conditions, and towns getting torn apart. Wait heres the good part, my song is an upbeat German (explains the title) fast and happy song! They mix like peanut butter and mustard if you ask me which makes for a delicious sandwich if you like to puke. I can't wait to present it tomorrow in class. I may just have to do a little jig to the music.


gangsterchick said...

yea this activity was pretty fun adn intresting. i dont like peanut butter. sorry. well i like peanut butter cups and thats it. well cant wait to see your story! oh and i did the tornado poem too.

Karee said...

Yeah making the photo stories was really fun. I liked finding the pictures. I think that all the pictures of the storms were very cool.( I kinda wish that I had choosen that peom.