Friday, April 20, 2007

Remember VT...

I know that Ms. James wants us to blog about topics relevant to "Romeo and Juliet," but I hope that she understands why I am blogging this instead. I am still in shock at the tragedy that happened at Virginia Tech on Monday. I always thought that Columbine would be the most chilling and deadly school shooting in history, but unfortunately I was mistaken. The fact that someone massacred thirty-two innocent students makes me sick to my stomach. I feel so bad for all of the students who had to go through this and most of all for the loved ones and family of the victims who have passed away due to this catastrophe. Everyone please show your support for Virginia Tech.


peanutbutterisyummy said...

I think that this is a really good subject to blog about and I admire your passion for the subject. The tragedy at Virginia Tech is really sad and I believe that it's important to recognize how big a deal this issue is.

Clayton Bigsby said...

Yeah you won't get in trouble our blog is about current events and class work. So I guess this is all you have to blog about. Like me. So if you get in trouble then so will I but we won't so don't worry about it.

Hogwired said...

I totally agree about how we need to show our respect for the ones that lost their lives and the victims that have to live with that tragedy. I was glad that somebody did blog about VT tragedy because we need to show that we care!