Thursday, May 31, 2007

Benchmark Test

Hey everyone!
So what did everyone think of the Benchmark test? It wasn't too hard it was just time consuming. I was ready to get it over with though. I liked writing the essay on the computer though. It made it a little easier than writing it all on paper. Man that would have taken forever! Oh well, at least we don't have an actual final to take. I am actually kind of excited about how we get to blog for our final. It makes it feel like we aren't taking an actual test. I hope that next week goes by pretty quick so that we can get on with summer. Everyday I will be sitting at school thinking about all the things I want to do this summer. We are almost there thank goodness! Just a few more days! Well, I hope that everyone has a good weekend and have fun getting ready for finals! lol.

The Benchmark

I think the benchmark test went ok. For all of you guys out there who worry over tests all of the time like me my advice to you is don't. I have come to a great acceptance in my life that all I can do is my best. It isn't like I don't care how I do any more, I just choose not to worry about it anymore. I guess it was kind of silly for me not to have figured that out along time ago huh? Well with finals coming up I will really have to work hard on my new theory of not worrying. What do you guys think about that? Do any of you think that we should be able to opt out of finals if we have A's in all of our classes? Some people say yes because it would relieve alot of stress, but other people say no because if you don't take finals now you won't be prepared for college. Finals are never optional in college. I think I would want to take finals because it wouldn't be worth getting to college and not being ready for college finals. After all you do have to pay for college so it would be bad if you weren't ready and you ruined something that you sort of had to buy. What do you guys think?

Susies great idea

I think everyone should post atleast ten things they want to to accomplish in the future.


Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Top 10

Anna! at the disco, from readinggreatbooks6, posted about 50 things that they wanted to do or accomplish during their lifetime.(here is the link.)

I thought that that was an awesome idea so I decided to share some ideas that I came up with. But instead of 50 I changed it to Top 10 things that I wanted to do! They aren't in any particular order, they are just in the order that I though of them. Well here they are:
1. Get married
2. Have children
3. Adopt a little puppy(a Yorkie)
4. Be in a movie
5. Go deep sea diving with some friends
6. Make an award winning meal
7. Write a novel or children's' story
8. Have a big pillow fight with real feather pillows
9. Drive a tractor
10. Swim in a pool full of M&M's
What about you? I thought that finding 10 things that I wanted
to do would be easy, but if you really think about it, it takes a
while longer than you would expect.
Have fun!

Tuesday, May 29, 2007


I am extremely tired but i though i should post. Well the end of school is nearing faster and faster. I am so excited for summer. I have gone to the lake one time this school year & it was just this past weekend. It was really really fun. I rode my seadoos & spent quality time with my family. I have a 6 month old niece and she was there. She is soooo cute:) i'm an aunt and it's such a good feeling.
Hope that everyone is studying hard for those finals & working hard to finish up the year. Best wishes to everyone, i'm going to bed, finally.

My Monday off...

On Sunday night my little brothers and sisters and I decided to camp out on our back deck. So at 8:30 we all set up the tent. It is an 8 man tent. And it is big! It barely fit on our deck.
We finally got the tent up and then put the rain fly on (just in case of rain.) We all ran in to get our blankets, beds, pillows, and some snacks.
Just when we had settled down and were all lying down and conferable (lying and listening to the crickets), it started to rain. We were so glad we had put the rain fly on!
We had so much fun, even though we did not stay up very late. If you have never camped out in your backyard before I would totally recommend it. Especially if you have siblings or you don't like to go out and camp in the wilderness. Have fun!

6.5 days left of school

This weekend i spent time with my family and friends.
I went to the springfield cardinals game last night with my mom and step dad and my friend.
cardinals WON!!!
Next week:
Tuesday: second block final
Wedensday: first and third block final
Thursday: fourth block final and i half day!
what do u guys think of our last days of school???

Monday, May 28, 2007

Summer Dayz

This Memorial Day weekend, I went on a Canoe trip with my family. We went to the Buffalo River, in Arkansas, and canoed exactly 10 miles. It was so much fun, soaking up the sun, while getting a great upper body work out. It was even more fun since my cousin and I had no idea how to steer the boat, and what seemed like every 3 seconds, we were going sideways against the current.

This weekend reminded me of how close summer is and how much I am looking forward to it. Summer is the time of the year when I get to really spend quality time with friends and family, and also just relax. So basically, I can't wait!!! :D

Romeo and Juliet Test!

So I definately wasn't ready for that Romeo and Juliet test. I had read the play atleast 2x, however, I was planning on reading it in modern text the night before the test so i could freshen my memory because Act I Scene I was quite some time ago. Yet, I think I did alright on the test. I just didn't understand some of the quotes and I got confused on whether Mercutio or Benvolio was Romeo's cousin. But it is over and done with now and I won't have to deal with it ever again! YAY!! Please Ms. James don't put Romeo and Juliet on the final. =/ =/ =/ =/

El Fin

Romeo and Juliet has come to an end
And their families have been able to mend
The year long family feud
That made everyone quite rude
I ask you all not to cry
As we all say our good-byes

This story has stolen our heart
Even though we have to part
We all will do good on the test
Because we know the play our very best

Friday's Test!

How did you feel about Friday's test? I think I did really well, I didn't have a great understanding of Romeo and Juliet but I could answer most of the questions with deductive reasoning. The final section was the hardest I think, because Romeo and Juliet's quotes were pretty obvious, but some of the other characters were not.

Its Over!

I am so glad that we are done with Romeo and Juliet. To tell you guys the truth i really didn't like it. I guess this stuff just isn't for me. It was fun acting out all the scenes. That part I did like. I hope that everyone had a good weekend. I know I did enen though I hurt myself

It's Finally Over

I'm so excited that Romeo and juliet is finally over, I liked it but it was starting to get boring. I think that it's kind of ironic that it the end both of their dreams of seeing each other in a grave really come true, but maybe that's just me. It seemed like Shakespere used alot of irony in this play. I liked how we ended the play with the 60 second Shakespere, where each group summarized an act form the play. I don't know about you but that really helped prepare me for the test. I glad it's over and I can't wait for summer!

Just About Summer!

Only 7.5 days of school left, I so excited. I have wanted school to be over for so long and now I'm excited that it is finally here. Only bad thing is that we have to take finals, but I won't let that bring me down. I don't have any summer plans yet other than baseball, but maybe I might get to go on a vacation. What are your guys plans for the summer?

Romeo and Juliet is finally over!!!

I was so excited to finally get to the end of Romeo and Juliet and get to watch the two movie versions. The new version definitely had a lot better ending to it. It was so intense and made it even more sad when Juliet woke up to see Romeo dying. I can't imagine what Romeo must have been thinking when he realized that Juliet was alive and that he had just killed himself for no reason. The play was just so depressing. I mean everything that could have possibly went wrong went wrong. Shakespeare is truly amazing. I thought it was so weird in the movies to how niether one showed the deaths of Paris or Lady Montague. Those deaths were so revelant to the story I wonder why they didn't put them in there. The sixty second shakespeare thing we did was a lot of fun. It really helped me remember all the imoprtant moments in the play and review for our test on Friday. The test wasn't to hard except for the matching quote thing. It was kind of confusing. I hope we get to watch one of the movies all the way through this week sometime. That would make things so much more clear to me with no interruptions. So only 7.5 days left of school!! Enjoy!!!

Sunday, May 27, 2007

7.5 days?

Something like that...It seems like the last 2 months just flew by and I am happy to see summer is finally almost here! It is too bad finals are just about to come up but after that we are home free. Hopefully the summer doesn't fly by like April and May have. All I know is I am going to be spending a long time down at the pool working on this hard-core farmers tan of mine. Legion Baseball will also be a whole lot of fun to do as well over the summer. I don't think I'll be going on vacation though which is a bummer but I'll live with it. So, how about you guys? What are your plans for the summer?

Pirates of the Caribbean:At World's End

This movie is really great!It is better actually way better than the 2nd movie.It is almost better than the 1st but you can't beat the classic one.This movie has lots of allusions to the Odyssey.In the movie you will meet Calypso.They tell about what Calypso does.The movie also connects to other folk stories.I suggest EVERYONE go and see it.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

The Empire Games

The Empire games are like the Olympics for all of the countries in the British Empire. They were held in Vancouver in 1954 and the mile was looked forward to the most because it was the first time that the only two sub four minute milers ran against each other. The games started out well but with about two days before the mile race John Landy stepped on a flashbulb and cut the arch of his and had to have stitches. The doctor advised Landy not to run on it whether he had a race or not. Landy did any way and was doing really well for the whole race and through third lap he was beating Roger Banister by about 2 or 3 seconds but by the end of the race Banister caught him and beat him by about one second but they both ran under four minutes. Here is a link to a really good sight for info on Banister and Landy.

Beating the Perfect Mile

John Landy ran better than the first sub four minute mile. He ran a 3:58 at a race in Europe with some of the best conditions and some of the best tracks. He could never run sub four in Australia because the tracks were not very good also the conditions were very hot and humid. He held the World record for three years until Derek Ibbotson from Yorkshire ran a 3:57 in London. He retired twice in his caree, got under four minutes in Aulstralia, and became an American hero as well as an Australian one as well. John Landy was expected to win a gold at the 1956 Olympics but developed tendinitus and placed fourth. John retired to be a Biology teacher and a public speaker.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Tourist Trap

This is the best book I have read in a long time. I highly recommend that you read it. It takes place in a small town that has a lake and is attractive to many wealthy families during the summer months. The people of the town call the families that come for the summer 'invaders.' The local girl befriends an invader and stirs up a whole lot of trouble. This book is not insipid at all. I do not want to say to much about the book because if you want to read it I do not want to spoil it. This is an awesome book. You have to read this book!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

All in 60 seconds

Today's assignment to act out out an act of Romeo and Juliet in 60 seconds was so fun! It is hard to tell who's was the best performance because they were all so good. I was surprised by how every one did. Because we only had a little bit of the class period to plan our acts. I think that it was also a good idea to tape the performances because we were all able to watch what we had performed. What was your favorite performance? Did you enjoy this activity?









Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Sir Philip Sidney

This man was a writer in the 1500-1600 in England.He has many works including Arcadia,Astrophel and Stella,The Defence of Poesy,The Lady of May,certain sonnets,and Psalms 1-9 and 10 and 19.It is so interesting to me that he wrote some of the psalms.The work Arcadia is a long pastoral romance.Astrophel and stella includes 108 sonnets and 11 songs that are influnced by petrarchan conventions.

Domine, quid multiplici?

I. LORD, how do they encrease
That hatefull never cease
To breed my grievous trouble?
How many ones there be,
That all against poor me
Their numbrous strength redouble?

2. Even multitudes be they
That to my soul do say,
No help for you remaineth
In God, on whom you build.
Yet, Lord, Thou art my shield,
In Thee my glory raigneth.

3. The Lord lifts vp my head,
To Him my voyce I spread;
From holy hill He heard me:
I layd me down and slept,
While He me safely kept,
And safe from sleep I rear'd me.

4. I will not be afraid
Though legions round be layd,
Which all against me gather:
I say no more but this,
Vp, Lord, now time it is;
Help me, my God and Father!

5. For Thou, with cruel blowes
On jaw-bone of my foes,
My causeless wrongs hast wroken;
Thou, those men's teeth which byte,
Venom'd with godless spight,
Hast in their malice broken.

6. Salvation doth belong
Unto the Lord most strong;
For He alone defendeth:
And on those blessèd same
Which beare His people's name,
His blessing He extendeth.


I went to graduation the other day! How many of you guys went? My brother is finally done with high school! He is so excited! I am going to miss him alot because he is going away to college on July first! He will be in New York. I won't ever get to see him except on Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Labor Day. I really will miss him alot. How many of you guys have an older sibling who graduated this year? Are they going far away for college?

The Ending

Did anybody else not really enjoy the ending of Romeo and Juliet? I didn't. I am someone that likes happy endings and not sad. I am so glad that we are finished with reading Romeo and Juliet. It seemed like it kept dragging on and on. Oh well, I did learn some things from it. I learned how to translate that language and understand the actual text without using no fear shakespeare. I like watching the different versions of the movie. Romeo and Juliet was a good experience but I am glad that it is over with. I cannot wait till we start our next thing in class. Class started to get a little on the boring side until we got to the ending and now we are finished!

What does everybody think about the difference between the movie and the dvd? I liked both of them. It gave a wide variety of the story. They both really explained the story in depth. I am glad that we got to watch the movie and dvd while reading each act. That was nice because it really helped me understand what it would be like in a modern way while also seeing it in a more original way. Well, I hope that everybody has had a good week!

Romeo and Juliet Is Finished!!

So we finished Romeo and Juliet last night and it kind of had a weird and sad ending. I really wasn't expecting Romeo and Juliet to both kill themselves because of a simple misunderstanding. But I am really glad it is over with. However, I need a lot of help with my study guide. I got a little bit behind on it. Maybe one day we could take a whole class period and just work on our study guides as a class? Well, happy blogging!

"Thy drugs are quick. Thus with a kiss I die"

"Romeo and Juliet" is finally over! I thought it started out really confusing and kind of boring, but then at the end, it got really good. I think it's sad that Romeo killed himself, and didn't realize that Juliet was just under a potion. And then Juliet wakes up and she kills herself when she sees Romeo died. Ugh that's really sad. But I have a question. Do you think that it was dumb that Romeo and Juliet killed themselves because they loved each other, even though they only knew each other for four days? I think it was sad that they did that because they barely knew each other. But if they truly loved each other, then I can see why they wanted to die, instead of living without each other. What do you think? By the way, I think the movies that we've watched have been pretty good. Their acting is really passionate and emotional. But anyways, that's just what I think.


I'm Macbeth

I'm so glad we are finished reading Romeo and Juliet.It seemed like it dragged on forever.The literature was exactly what I expected it to be.I think people have told everyone the ending so many times you get bored because you know what is going to happen.If people didn't talk about it and actually let people read it themselves it would be such a great play,not that it isn't.People I think would not be so prone to getting bored with it because they know nothing about it.The reason why this play is so great in my opinion is that the have a true love and they do what ever it takes to be together.This play reminds me of the Titanic,but Rose doesn't kill herself in the end.I found this quiz you guys can take to tell you what famous Shakespearean play you are.

I'm Macbeth.Here click on this link.

The End

I am so happy that we are finished with Romeo and Juliet. It actually wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. However there were many parts that I did not understand, but then again I think everyone is that way. I think the only person who ever completely understands every word and meaning of each act is Shakespeare because he is the one who wrote it. I am the kinda of person who enjoys stories with happy endings more than sad endings so I didn't really enjoy it, but I didn't hate it. I definitely now understand when everyone says that Romeo and Juliet is one of the best examples of a tragic love story.



Oh, to be lying,

On a beach, Somewhere,
With sand in my toes,
And the wind, In my hair.

And only the sound,
Of the seagulls, On high,
On a beach, Somewhere,
Under sunny blue sky.

The gentle caress,
Of the waves, On the shore,
And you close, Beside me,
Could I ask for more?

A soft sandy beach,
That goes on, Forever,
And a beach,
So happy together.

Linda Harnett

A Deadly Poison

Well as we all know Romeo and Juliet is almost finished. I am pretty sure that a lot of us have finished. I am really understanding so much better now. Even though we are almost done...anyways. These last few scenes I have had little trouble getting it.

With that said I think this play is very depressing. Not just for Rome and Juliet but for all of the characters. Any parent would be sad if their child died so Juliet's and Romeo's parents are going through that and Paris is in deep grief for his "future" wifes death. And the Nurse must be sad because, since Juliet's mother wasn't the one who raised her, the Nurse raised her she must be very depressed to. And the Friar probably felt awful and like it was his fault for what he did. So it is not just sad for Romeo and Juliet, but for everyone.


Flaming is defined as –verb (used with object), verb (used without object)
to deceive; delude; cheat according to
I provided a link to help you with other words.
Flaming is not debating and just because people disagree on certain issues doesn't mean we have to get upset if someone else disagrees with you. Everyone is blowing this way out of proportion. People are different and that is what makes life so cool. On the blog we are just giving opinions. So before we start singing why can't we be friends think about the real issues. Nobody is calling anybody stupid and we are just giving opinions. Don't cry or feel offended if someone disagrees with you. Be happy we are all different because this world would be really boring if we were all the same.

o happy dagger ♥

When i finished the last scene of the play i felt so frustrated. I felt as though something could have been done to prevent this all from happening. It was just all to much of a coincidence that no one got there on time to stop Romeo. As the prince says his final words, " for there had never been a greater woe then the story of Juliet and her Romeo." This is so true, just because of their families hatred to eachother two young lovers died. It is a story of complete sadness, it took the death of the ones the families loved to make them realize their clash needed to be stopped. Romeo and Juliet's lovefor eachother was strong but not strong enough to overcome their fated death.

Sonnet 97

1. How like a winter hath my absence been

2. From thee, the pleasure of the fleeting year!

3. What freezings have I felt, what dark days seen!

4. What old December's bareness everywhere!

5. And yet this time removed was summer's time;

6. The teeming autumn, big with rich increase,

7. Bearing the wanton burden of the prime,

8. Like widow'd wombs after their lords' decease:

9. Yet this abundant issue seemed to me

10. But hope of orphans, and unfathered fruit;

11. For summer and his pleasures wait on thee,

12. And, thou away, the very birds are mute:

13. Or, if they sing, 'tis with so dull a cheer,

14. That leaves look pale, dreading the winter's near.

This a Shakespeare Sonnet and it is pretty good. You can find other sonnets here.

Romeo and Juliet Finished!

Yay! Finally we have completed the play and today we get to watch two different versions of Romeo and Juliet in the classroom. It is great to finally be done with reading the play and I can confidently say that I could understand the last acts alot easier than the first ones. Acting out Act 3 helped alot with understanding the main turning points of the play but it seems like we just went speeding right through the last 2 acts in just a couple of days, but I can't complain! Hopefully the videos further help with my understanding of what actually went on during the whole thing, that eventually led to there deaths. "For never was a story of more woe, Than this of Juliet and her Romeo."


So lately I've been wondering about the theatrical genius Shakespeare must have been. To have been the only of MANY playwrights from that time period to have had his plays last for this long. So I found this site that is pretty interesting if you wanna check it out. I never really liked Shakespeare before, and I've read quite a few of his plays. But I think that's because I never understood them before. Well I'm really liking Romeo and Juliet. I hope you are too!!

Famous Words...

Romeo has some of the most famous quotes ever. I found this link that has pulled many famous quotes out of the play. Check it out.

Shakespears words are beautiful. To me it gives another sense of writing. Think if everyone wrote like Shakespear. His impsiring words have been there through centuries. I think he is one of the best authors of all time.

I also provided this link, to a website where you can watch clips from Romeo and Juliet. Including the first sight, first kiss, tybalts death, & more.

Ok well check it all out!

Memorial Day Weekend

This weekend I am going down to the lake! I am so happy for our three day weekend! I have a really big family and we all go down to the lake and have a huge dock party on special occasions like this. I have eight cousins and then eight aunts and uncles, my grandparents and some family friends that will be there. It gets a little bit crazy! Being with my family and friends and having fun is my favorite thing to do. For me times like these are true happiness. The sunset over the trees and water is so pretty. I love to go out on the boat at night and feel the wind blow through my hair and look up at the clear sky that holds the millions of sparkling stars that are not dimmed by city lights. I can't wait for summer to come and I will practically live at the lake. I keep on counting down the days but sometimes I think that makes the time pass slower! Oh well it keeps me busy so I will do it anyway. There are only nine and one half days not counting today! I think we can tough it out! Good luck!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Almost There!

We are almost there almost to the freedom of hot sun and chlorine water! Where we stay up all night and sleep in all day! The pool the lake I love them both and I can't wait. So school is almost over I can't wait! It went by so quickly really did! We are going to be sophomores!!! So I notice that since school is almost out I am slacking but I can't. So my advice to you is drink some coffee or a rock star energy drink and keeping going strong just a little bit longer!

you can do it!

Why is the Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet so Loved?

Why does everyone love this sad story? Do we feel that we can connect to the story? Or is it that we feel such empathy to the characters? I think that people love this story so much because of boredom. When your own life isn't exciting enough we have to entertain ourselves with something, why not the perfect tale of two lovers destined for death? I think that books are meant to let yourself either be one of the characters in the story, or to be like a guardian angel in the story who hovers over a character and gets inside the character's head. I know in Romeo and Juliet I felt like I was constantly following the characters around like a shadow. I felt what they felt and I was happy when they were happy. Who did you feel like you connected the most in the book with? I think that I connected with the Friar the most because I am always trying to solve problems and make everyone happy. The friar was trying to fix everyone's problems and in the end he learns that he can't always work things out and sometimes it is best to just remain neutral and not get involved. I think the friar was in the middle of an internal conflict with himself and at the same time he was torn between the two fighting families. In the end he had to choose sides. He chose to fight for the teens in love. He tried his best but he failed. I hate that feeling of failure when you have done your best and it is still not good enough. What are your guys' thoughts?

I Ask of You...

How did their parents feel?

When our teacher started to talk about how Romeo's mom died and how Juliet's parents responded to finding Juliet dead (well they thought that she was anyway), it got me to thinking about how their parents really did feel about this whole thing. Their parents had no idea that Juliet had already been married to Romeo. The two young people went totally behind their parents' backs and kept it a secret from them. Then later their parents found them both died and had to learn the truth about what had happened.
If I were their parents it would make me so sad to find out that may own kids would not trust me enough to tell me that they wanted to marry their worst enemy. But then again I don't know if I would want to tell my parents if the person I liked was really their worst enemy. And then again I think that my parents would understand and find a way for me to marry that person because they when they were young they would probably do anything to get married.
What do you think?

Monday, May 21, 2007

Skim Milk

You may be saying wow, has this person gone crazy??? Well... not completely. Skim milk actually does have some relevancy to what our class is talking about! Shakesphere. Shakesphere kind of invented the word skim milk. He also invented many other words and phrases that you can "skim through" in this link He He! I wish I could invent words that would end up being used world wide. That would be pretty fun! I wish Shakesphere could come to our generation and see how we use some of his made up words. He would probably get akick out of that! Well please tell me what your favorite words and phrases were! My favorite words were swagger, hobnob, majestic, and zany! My favorite phrases were in a pickle and tongue tied. Well happy blogging and I can't wait for our three day weekend!

Too Touchy of a Topic!

Today's class discussion was about a blogger's choice of talking about major issues, like abortion or political parties. I think that abortion is horrible and political parties are so messed up. That's all. I don't think I should elaborate on it because we're all old enough to decide what we believe. I don't think going through a huge discussion about it especially with these topics being so touchy and sensitive is necessary. When the commenter on the other blog did that, it sparked a lot of comments from our class. When talking about these issues on the blog, I think that we should say our opinion and be done with it. To me, it's okay to elaborate on it when the blogger welcomes it, otherwise, it just causes debate, which can lead to flaming. What do you think?



This weekend for me was so much fun!! I was in Branson all weekend hanging out with my friends and practicing for our up coming show in Silver Dollar City! We learned a couple new dances and they weren't that hard but they were really fun!! I love practicing for SDC shows!! My friend ran in a sectionals track meet and she got a PR of 63 for her 4by4 relay!! She did really good and she was going really fast!!! Even though they didn't place they still did really good because they increased their PR as a team!! I love our school it is so amazing!! Our director assigned solos...well at least most of them and I got the one I wanted but even if I didn't get it I would of been fine...I don't perform to get solos but to make new friendships and just because I love sharing my talents with others if it makes them happy! Thanks!! -boot


It seems like summer is never going to get here. Does anybody agree? I am so tired of school it is not even funny. I cannot wait til we are out. I have so many things planned that are so exciting. I have started to sign up for out of state golf tournaments and I am missing some already because our school is the only one not out yet. My family is having to reschedule our vacation because of the superintendent and his decisions. Oh well, it will be over sooner or later. I just can't wait any longer. Seeing the seniors getting out makes me really jealous. Well, hope everybody has ANOTHER good week at school!

when does it go to far?

As Ms. James was reading us the other classes blog i couldnt help but wonder why? why take the time to make everybody upset. i mean dont get me wrong i believe sharing your opinion is a great thing because that is what i am doing right now but there is a point where it just goes to far. you know you have gone to far when you have offended somebody. i think that since we are comming into the end of the year we are slipping and forgetting the rules of the beggining of the quarter. even though i think the blogs are getting better and better every week i think we should be careful with eachothers feelings. using sayings such as "let's fight about it"might not be the best choice of words because there are other things one can say to draw the same conclution. the blog was very well written it was just contraversal which is hard to deal with because everyone has something they would want to say about it. like one of my classmates said sometimes we just get caught up in the mement and end up saying things we will regret later. i hope this experience doesnt lead to people stopping sharing their thoughts because in the end that is what the blog is for right?

Nearing the end

Nearing the end of Romeo and Juliet is exciting me. I really want to finish the play. I am very into the play at this point and I just want it to be done with. I read Act 4 over the weekend and Juliet's so called death is extremely dramatic. They want to now use the weeding plans for the funeral. I think that is weird. They are changing a happy celebration into a depressing one. I don't know, I just thought that was weird.

Also school is nearing the end. Thank goodness! I'm so ready for summer! I got a glimpse of it Friday night when I went to the lake with my 5 closest friends. It was a blast. This first year of high school I have learned so much about friendships. I learned that people will hurt you and change. They can also stab you in the back. I think I have finally find ones that I can be close to for the rest of high school. I am so thankful for them!

My brother is graduating tonight. It is so weird to think of him graduating. My brother and I have grown so close this year, and it's just so weird to me. He's gonna live at home and go to college here but its still different. Well hope to see you all tonight maybe at graduation? well have a good week!


Blogging 101

I was always curious to find out when and how blogging began. It is kind of amazing to think about really. I mean anyone in the whole entire world can read them. Most of us are used to sharing our writing with a partner, a class, a teacher, or even your school. However now all of us have showed our writing to the world. I just find that really cool. It kinda of makes you realize how big our world is. Well here is a link to Blogging 101 which talks about how blogging began! Enjoy!

Just a Reminder

We have forgotten the rules of blogging. So I went back to get the rules from Mrs. James when she first posted them and now I am going to repost them.
  1. Think before you type.
  2. Use proper language, school rules apply.
  3. Share ideas and particiapte.
  4. Be honest and accurate.
  5. Be respectful and no flaming.
  6. No personal information.
  7. Apply Golden Rule.
  8. Remember: Anything you write could be read by anyone.
  9. Don't attempt to divulge identities.
  10. Have fun!

All of these rules are important to maintain a healthy blog. Blogging should never be disrespectful. I think we have all broke a couple or more of these words. If everyone obeyed the first rule then there wouldn't be the bending or breaking of the other rules. Before you post, look through it again. Look for the mention of anything to do with our school and city then take it out. Make sure your post will not start a flame war or provoke anyone. When you comment do the same; just look it over and make sure that the rules are being applied. Be careful about what you say when you are blogging.

My Weekend At The Lake!!!!!!

So this weekend was awesome i first went to the Relay 4 Life until two in the morning then i went to my grandmas house that night. well i guess that would be morning. then i had to get up at 6 in the morning, to go down to aquasports and go to the lake with my instructer to get certified. so we got down there and got our stuff ready and got in the water. it wasnt bad becasue we had like 2 layers of wet suits. but it did get a little cold when all the water seeped into the back and the front of it. we dived 2 times on saturday and but only went down to about 20 feet. we also fed some fish underwater with hotdogs and that was really fun. i caught like 3 fish in my hand with the hotdog and one of them spiked me. Then when we were done my instructor took me down to my friends dock so i could hang out with them for the rest of the day and night. me and him went night diving with flashlights and it was a little freaky becuase when we came up we came up under a dock and i scared my a little becuase it was huge and black. that next morning i had to go again to the place to get certified and we went 3 times that day so we could finish and when we were on our last one we were able to have one partner and go were ever we wanted as long as we came back with 500 psi of air. so me and my partner went down to 50 feet which is below i think 2 thermaclines and that is when the temp drops like 10 degrees and we were only in a longsleeve shorty wet suit and i was freezing i felt like i had ice caked on my brain but it was fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then i went back to my friends dock and fished and slept in the sun it was awesome. i cant wait untill i am 18 so i can become a scuba instructor and i am also going to get the highest diving card there is which is on the pick!!!!!

5,000 logged dives. PLATINUM PRO INSTRUCTOR!!!!!


The seniors are gone. They graduate tonight! Ahh. I was thinking all this weekend about what it would feel like to be graduating, because my boyfriend is, and it was weird. I was just thinking like he doesnt really know what he wants to do yet & its scary. I know that if I was a senior right now, I would kinda know what I wanted to do but I would be SOO scared to graduate & to have to go out into the real world. A lot of things lately have opened me up to what the real world is like. And its scary. This is a good quote, I think...

'I could not, at any age, be content to take my place by the fireside and simply look on. Life was meant to be lived. Curiosity must be kept alive. One must never, for whatever reason, turn his back on life.'

Welll I like it:)
comments, i guess.