Tuesday, May 22, 2007

How did their parents feel?

When our teacher started to talk about how Romeo's mom died and how Juliet's parents responded to finding Juliet dead (well they thought that she was anyway), it got me to thinking about how their parents really did feel about this whole thing. Their parents had no idea that Juliet had already been married to Romeo. The two young people went totally behind their parents' backs and kept it a secret from them. Then later their parents found them both died and had to learn the truth about what had happened.
If I were their parents it would make me so sad to find out that may own kids would not trust me enough to tell me that they wanted to marry their worst enemy. But then again I don't know if I would want to tell my parents if the person I liked was really their worst enemy. And then again I think that my parents would understand and find a way for me to marry that person because they when they were young they would probably do anything to get married.
What do you think?

1 comment:

SpottyC said...

I think that the parents of that day were alot different than ours. i think today kids would have no trouble telling their parents because we are for the most part a strong willed and rebellious generation.