Friday, May 18, 2007

"The roses in thy lips and cheeks shall fade"

In the begining of Act Four, Friar gives Juilet the idea of swallowing a poison, so she won't have to marry Paris. I think the poison idea is brilliant. Juliet would appear dead because her blood would stop flowing and she would have no color in her cheeks. Once they buried her in a tomb, Romeo would find her alive, and they would live happily ever after. But there's so many things that could backfire on them. I feel bad for Juliet that she couldn't choose who she wanted to love. Her parents seem forceful and they make decisions for Juliet. Yes, they want what's best for her, but their way of wanting what's best for her is inconsiderate and selfish to what Juliet wants. They're making her marry and spend the rest of her life with someone that she doesn't love. If that happened to me and I loved someone else that I was forbidden to see, I would probably take the poison, too. It surprises me that Romeo and Juliet have so much love for each other that they would go to the ends of the earth for each other. What does everyone else think?


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