Monday, June 4, 2007

Consumer Courage (Final)

Possible Blood Diamonds

This could possibly be
one of RUF's many Boy Soldiers
one day

Sierra Leone Flag

The Cast of "Blood Diamond"

According to CBS News Blood diamonds are "conflict, or blood diamonds are mined in a war zone and sold, usually clandestinely, in order to finance an insurgent or invading army's war efforts."

Also according to CBS News "The diamond industry estimates that conflict diamonds represent 4 percent of the total trade in rough diamonds. Others have estimated that conflict diamonds could amount to as high as 15 percent of the total trade. In 2001, the diamond industry produced rough diamonds with a market value of $7.9 billion. At the end of the diamond chain, this was converted into jewelry worth $54.1 billion. "

The countries affected by the blood diamond trade is Central and Western African Countries like Sierra Leone. Which is where the movie Blood Diamond takes place. Staring Leonardo DiCaprio. Which according to, "An estimated 65% of the world's diamonds come from African countries." In the movie you see a war torn country being over took by the Revolutionary Untied Front(RUF). The RUF go to villages around Sierra Leone and kill all the people but they will keep the able bodies and have them work in the mining areas. They will also take little boys of maybe 10-12 and turn them into killing soldiers of RUF. So you have the people running from the RUF and trying to obey the Government. You have RUF who mine diamonds, kill people and fight the Government's army by getting money from the diamonds. Then you have the poor Government trying to protect people when RUF have better equipment because of the diamonds. Also according to another part of CBS News "The 1991 to 2002 civil war between the government and the RUF resulted in tens of thousands of deaths and the displacement of more than 2 million people (about one-third of the population), many of whom are now refugees in neighboring countries." So many of the people in Sierra Leone have their lives taken away all for a little blood diamond.

Though back in 2002 the UN interfered and disarmed the RUF using the World bank. They continued to try and make Sierra Leone a peaceful country but they need help. So next time you buy a diamond make sure it is not a conflict diamond. With courage you can do this. Be different and do whats right. Like Romeo and Juliet, they loved each other and showed courage to get married. In The Odyssey, Ulysses showed courage to get past the sirens and cyclopes. If Romeo, Juliet or Ulysses didn't have courage then they couldn't have conquered marriage or an epic adventure. You don't have to kill yourself for your love or fight evil monsters, all you need is a little consumer courage.
I couldn't put my song on here but I think this link will take you to music video of "Shine on em" by NAS. You can't see the video at school but you should be able to at home.

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