Monday, June 4, 2007

Women Who Work (final)

What could you do with 2 million dollars? It sounds like a crazy question, but if your a working woman that's how much money you could be missing out on just because of your gender.
On average women make 77% cents to every dollar a man makes, according to an article by Evelyn Murphy. Two people with the same education, doing the same job, working the same hours, and putting in the same effort. Yet because one is a women she gets only 77% of what the man gets. It's discrimination, and it's illegal.
Most companies would rather pay a one time fine, then make the necessary costly changes that would even the playing field. Some women are trying to get these problems fixed, but others don't think of the money as as big of a deal. They don't realize that the money multiplies, end of the year bonuses are smaller because they are a percentage of their salary. They were passed up for project, or weren't given a promotion because it was given to a man.
Also the number of single mothers in the U.S. is much more then the number of single fathers. If anything women need to be payed more then men, because they have children to support. With each pay check a women is jipped, its braces her daughter couldn't get, or baseball lessons her son couldn't take. So, who are we hurting? The working women? Their children? The entire American work force.
As I was reading this article I started to think about Scout from to Kill a Mockingbird. How would she feel about this? Even that long ago I don't think she would have stood for it. Scout is a perfect example of how women are just as intelligent as men. Want to read stories of other women who have conquered the discrimination? Click this link. Also here's 2 more articles by Murphy for more information called What should you do now? and Recent Sex Discrimination Lawsuits. So if your a women with aspirations in this world then I think this is a case you can get behind, because our generation can make a difference in the unfair treatment.


Eazy B said...

but... what if the woman's brain is only 77% as smart as man?


In my opinion this aruement is a matter of perspective. You could say that the Constitution protects a women from discrimination, but at the same time the Constitution gives businesses to pay their own employees whatever they want. I think the solution is to have women form unions and boycot businesses guilty of sexual discrimination.

SpottyC said...

I believe that this is really unfair and it should be fixed. It really bothers me that people still discriminate against women in and out of the work force. One of the things that bugs me the most is how women have all these weight loss commercials and promotions, do men have anything like this. I hate how the media targets only women and says stuff that is so material like you have to look and dress a certain way. Guys get targeted a little bit for this stuff, but not nearly as much as women.

Anonymous said...

Hmm, a very touchy topic but I do believe women are definitely a little bit discriminated against, and always have been. I find it amazing that black men had the right to vote before a white woman could in America. That just doesn't make sense to me (even though they both should have been allowed to vote at the same time).
Either way the harder you work the better of a job you will get and the more you will get paid! Out work the man next to you and he should be the one getting 77% pay.

ohiogirl592 said...

I agree with you. We live in the United States of America where everyone is supposed to be treated with equality. In some situations however it sure doesn't seem that way. I wish we could get over all of our race, gender, and religion barriers once and for all in our country.

peanutbutterisyummy said...

I agree with you. Women deserve just as much as men because we work hard, maybe harder than some men, and something should be done to stop discrimination.