Monday, June 4, 2007

The Most Hated Family in America

America is a country of patriotism and love towards soldiers, but there aren't many actions more provocative than the picketing of soldiers funerals. Picketing is when someone attaches a sign to a picket and goes around yelling about the topic. Take Summer Fresh for example, there's always people out there whining about something that doesn't do anything but make people mad at the picketers.

The reason I told you about picketers is because that is one of the tactics of the Phelps family(the most hated family in America). They don't picket grocery stores or any other business, but they picket soldiers funerals. Some of the signs they use are "God is your enemy, The World is doomed, All Soldiers are Homosexual, Soldiers Die, God Laughs, and one of the most provocative is Thank God For 9/11." These people are serious about this, they eat sleep and breathe this religion.

The church they belong to is the Westboro Baptist Church. The church has 71 members made up of mainly the Phelps family. The kids of the family are born into the this religion and if they want to leave they are rebuked and not allowed back into the family. The kids are forced to do all of these horrible things until they are of adulthood, age 18.

I found out about this family through youtube here is a link to watch the videos. Louis Theroux of BBC was the reporter that followed them around. He has done many reports on provocative things, but he said this was the worse. They loved there family but he asked them if one of them became gay would they care if they died and they are replied simultaneously NO!

This is a very weird family. Here is a link to there website, I suggest you don't go though, it is very creepy. I wish these people would see the wrong in there actions but they are all guided by there ruthless Grandpa who shoves these bad thoughts down there throats.
The reason I wrote about this topic is because I sometimes read through It is a good sight that has a lot of news on today's topics. I enjoyed reading an article but what I really liked was the T.V. series on, it was very interesting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One reason why freedom of speech shouldn't always be given to everyone, especially stupid people.