Friday, May 4, 2007

Like a Human

I see her lying on the couch lonely like a child left out of play.

I pass by the Christmas tree, under the Missletoe over to the couch where she rests.

She greets me with a long, pink,slimy, rough tongue.

As i gave her my welcoming company she becomes thrilled and excited to have my presence.

Her paw lying on the cushion moved to be the paw of hers lying on my shoulder.

I started to hear that quiet high-pitched siren coming from deep inside.

I just knew that she didn't want me to leave her side.

She trusted me like she could never trust anyone in the world.

I knew just as well as she knew that she would never be lying on that couch lonely again.

She would never be the child left out of play.

I am her best friend, and she is mine.

I would never loose my "best friend" as long as we both live.

It was that Christmas we spent together and f o r e v e r.


ohiogirl592 said...

AWH!! That is so good and adorable! I loved your use of words and comparisons!

betty said...

WOW!! I love how you and your dog are like the best of friends!! I wish me and my dog were close like you and your dog were!! Great poem!

Eazy B said...

I like your picture