Sunday, May 13, 2007

My Weekend

Wow, this weekend was pretty crazy. Of course the majority of my weekned was spent down in Branson rehearsing for the show I am going to be in at Silver Dollar City this summer which was a blast. On Saturday I was in the Districts track meet at JFK. I ran in the 4x100 and the 4x400 relays. We placed 4th in the 4x100 and 3rd in the 4x400 which means we get to move on to Sectionals next weekend in Camdenton. I am pretty excited but a little nervous. I am not looking forward to another week of track practice though!! The only thing about this that worries me is I will have to miss rehearsal for Summer Show all day on Saturday. We are finally learning choeography and so it is crucial that everyone be at rehearsal especially since we have only like three more weeks before the show opens. I feel really bad about breaking my commitment to Summer Show but I know that if I missed the track meet that would be breaking my commitment to my fellow teammates so I am kind of stuck in a bind. I have been praying and thinking about it a lot lately and I am definitely going to attend Sectionals and miss rehearsal but I am really scared that I will be penalized in the show. I just really need to stop worrying about it though because I know that God has a plan for everything in my life and he will find a way to work it out. I also went and saw Spiderman 3 on the Imax theatre on Saturday night. It was so amazing!!! I really enjoyed it!! Has anyone else seen it??? Today I had a pretty relaxing day!! I went and ate at the Keeter Center at College of the Ozarks and then went to Silver Dollar City to hang out and ride rides with my friend Sarah. We had a lot of fun and got soaked. Well I hope everyone else had a great weekend and Mother's Day. See you tomorrow!! I can't wait to see everyone's production!!


Karee said...

Holy cow you sound like you are a very busy person. Running in track, practicing for your preformances, and then to top it all off I am sure you have homework on some nights. WOW!

MR. CLEAN said...

thats really cool that you are going to be in a show in branson. it sounds fun, but wont it be kinda hard for your parents to drive you to branson every time? or will you have your license?

Boot said...

O I so wanted to go with you to Spiderman 3 I can't believe I had to go home!! O well maybe we can see a different movie sometime at the Imax!! What did you do for you mom for mothers day I got up really early and fixed her breakfast!! And Then gave her a gift!!