Thursday, May 10, 2007

Renewing books

I am almost done with a book from the public library. It is overdue and I went online to renew it but I found out that I couldn't because it was on hold. I hate when that happens. I decided that I would rather finish the book and pay the late fee than turn it in and have to check it back out a few weeks later. Some books are just too good. I am still reading the left behind books. It takes me so long to read these books because there is always a long waiting line. I also have a very busy schedule so getting through books takes a long time for me. I wish they would designate a whole day of school to just reading books. That would be pretty awesome. Well the week is almost over and there are only like nineteen and one half days of school left. Well have a great day!

1 comment:

koala said...

I always forget when my books are due, so i always have late fees :[ oh well