Friday, May 11, 2007

Romeo&&Juliet Play

Our table is Group 6 and we are doing Act 4 Scene 1. This is a very suspencful scene...somewhat. Its really sad for both Juliet and Paris. This scene is about how Juliet and Paris are to be married. And he thinks that he can;t win her love with her "grieving" over her cousin, Tybalt. She is actually crying because she knows that she has to marry him even though she is in love and married to Romeo.

I kind of feel bad for Paris because he can't do anything about what is going on. And also he knows that he doesn't know her very well which doesn't help the situation.

I also feel bad for Juliet because she can't do anything either. Their marriage is arranged and if she didn't she would probably disown her family.

I can't wait to see the other groups play's. I think it will be very fun and interesting :]

1 comment:

ohiogirl592 said...

I feel bad for Juliet too! I would hate to have an arranged marriage. It would be horrible to spend your whole life with someone you don't love!