Monday, May 21, 2007


It seems like summer is never going to get here. Does anybody agree? I am so tired of school it is not even funny. I cannot wait til we are out. I have so many things planned that are so exciting. I have started to sign up for out of state golf tournaments and I am missing some already because our school is the only one not out yet. My family is having to reschedule our vacation because of the superintendent and his decisions. Oh well, it will be over sooner or later. I just can't wait any longer. Seeing the seniors getting out makes me really jealous. Well, hope everybody has ANOTHER good week at school!


braven gilmore girl said...

i completely agree with you!i have come to the conclution that summer will never come!

Anonymous said...

If there wasn't someone saying how many days were left of school EVERY DAY it might actually go a little bit faster. I heard some schools are already out, but start a week earlier than us, but we still end up having 8.5 more days of school than them!!! Can't wait for the pool to open up next week so i can cool down after baseball every day. Summer should be lots of fun.

raalmyesyen said...

I agree it doesn't seem like summer is ever going to get here. Everyone has so many plans that they had to alter because school is running late. We just have to keep thinking this week and then four more days. Then we can deal with the last four days when they come. Summer is almost here, but it will seem that is takes a lifetime to actually get here. Good luck in your golf!

peanutbutterisyummy said...

Ugh. I couldn't agree with you more! It just seems so slow! The year went fast, but these last weeks are dragging on.

SpottyC said...

Seriously! I know what you mean. My brother is a senior and he takes every chance he gets to rub it in my face that I still have to go to school for another what is it... eleven and one half days?