Thursday, May 3, 2007

Young Love

Romeo and Juliet is a really cute story and all but I just think it is completely unrealistic. I mean Juliet is only 13 and Romeo is a few years old and they think they are in love? Let alone they just met! I can understand them really liking each other when first meeting, but I just don't see how they got married and vowed their love to each other just days after they met! Personally I don't think that Romeo knows what love is because he said he was in love with Rosaline and he just stopped loving her when he met Juliet? If you love someone then those feeling don't disappear in a blink of an eye. Love and marriage are very sacred things and I don't think that Romeo and Juliet are taking it seriously.


Boot said...

That is such a cute picture I really like it!!

Hogwired said...

This picture is soooooo cute! I agree with you though. I think that Romeo and Juliet are too young! I mean they are younger than some of us.

braven gilmore girl said...

I agree with you that no matter how young you are when you find someone you love you cant help it. i would definately be on romeo and juliet's side.

peanutbutterisyummy said...

I completely agree with you! Romeo and Juliet are in love so quick probably because they are looking at the outer beauty of each other, not the inner beauty. They represent love in the wrong way it seems.

Eazy B said...

lust a prima vera?

BlondeC8 said...

I totally agree!Marriage is a very special thing you can't know a person for like 2 days then get married.I love your picture!It is so cute!

sadie star said...

That was cute picture! I kinda agree with you Juliet is so young but dreams are dreams!

hi my name is.... said...

I love the picture. How cute :] But I deffinately agree with you about Romeo and Juliet. They don't know what love is and I don't believe anyone can fall in love in a matter of just meeting someone in minutes.