Thursday, May 3, 2007

My Poem!!

F r i e n d s
Happily linking our toes
To the rocks beneath
Me and my Gang
Feel blissful
Caught in the moment
Eyes lock
We pinch our noses shut
The rank stench
Swims to us like a tidal wave
As my best friend arises
A tepid spell of rain drips
From her Strawberry blond hair
Glancing down
Stale water shimmers
And Ryan yanks her feet away
From the pebbly lake floor
Distracted from the cantankerous Ryan
Entire crowds of people
Peer at the ducks
One by one they flew overhead
Duck debris started to strike the water
Like torpedo's from the sky
At once
The group sinks under
Grimy lake water
Seeing people clouted by debris
Panicked I inhale water
It fills my lungs
Like the deep gash
In the Titanic
I hoist myself back up
And rupture the surface of the water
I breathe in the sweet fresh air


Special K said...

Hey girly!! Your poem is really good!! I like the changes that you made!! They made your poem even more fantastical!!! Your picture and colorful font are pretty sweet to!! I love it!!

Hogwired said...

I really enjoyed your poem! You had really good use of words. They were very detailed and it really put yourself in the picture.

BlondeC8 said...

I love your text!Your word choice is amazing.It is very vivid and colorful.

Anonymous said...

gotta love the ducks pooping all over the place, seeing how i have been hit in the eye with it before!

MR. CLEAN said...

hey umm we play teams like KC Blaze, KCFC, and other competitive teams. I dont know if you know any of those but maybe you do.
thanks for asking

braven gilmore girl said...

i really like your poem it kept me hooked the hole time!

hi my name is.... said...

I really like your picture and poem :]
Your poem is very good and your picture is really cute. Good Job!!!

Boot said...

thank you everybody...but i only have one thing to ask Mr. Clean what were you talking about?