Thursday, May 3, 2007

Who to Befriend?

When we were asked if we were to befriend one of the characters from Romeo and Juliet for our warm up writing, I decided that I would most likely befriend Mercutio. I obviously would befriend the Mercutio from the original film because he is not a fruitcake drag queen like the modern version. Mercutio is funny and likes to always have a good time which is how I am and we would be the most compatible. He seems to always make things ok and has a positive attitude which are great traits. Who would you befriend if you had to?

1 comment:

Special K said...

If I had to befriend a character from Romeo and Juliet I would choose to befriend Romeo. Through out the play, all of his friends seem to make fun of him and his silly love problems. I think he really needs someone to encourage him and support him through his struggles not tease him. I'm glad that he found Juliet so he at least has someone that won't make fun of him all the time.