Friday, June 1, 2007

Alcohol and Its Effects on the Body [Final]

MADD Mothers Against Drunk Driving Ad, A Must See! - For more of the funniest videos, click here

A person is killed every 30 mintes due to alcohol consumption. In Missouri the legal limit for your BAC (Blood Alcohol Concentration) is .08, for anyone under 21 the limit is .025. Hopefully, everyone remembers when Bob Ewell got drunk and attacked Scout and Jem. Well alcohol effected his judgement also. If Bob Ewell wasn't intoxicated he might not have attacked Scout and Jem. However, he might have anyways because he was just a big jerk, but alcohol definately altered his mindset and morals. In 2005 there were 16,885 alcohol-related fatalities, this was 39% of the total traffic fatalities for the year.

Do you want to know what I think? I think that there should be a little box in all the bars, and if you order an alcoholic beverage, you should have to put your keys in this box. When you first put your keys in the box they will take your fingerprint and give you a card with a number on it. The number card would help you remember what box is yours. When you are ready to leave that bar you have to blow in a breathalizer that is connected to the key box. If you blow a .08 BAC or below than it allows you to give your fingerprint and it opens the box with your keys in it. I believe that this would stop the legal drinkers from leaving bars and driving while intoxicated. This idea wouldn't stop underage drinkers from driving while intoxicated, however, there are more legal drinkers that are driving while intoxicated than there are underage drinkers. I hope this might have changed your viewpoint on DWI and I hope you realize that DWI is a big problem and it needs to be addressed, and fast.

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