Friday, June 1, 2007

Being an Athiest

Right now I am listening to this story about a kid named Ricky whose dad is an athiest. And it is somewhat sad. This kid is brought up to believe that God is made believe. Which is okay, everyone has their own belief in whatever they want about religion or politics or whatever. That is fine. But I feel bad for this kid because he is growing up not knowing what to believe. His dad had tried to get the "Under God" part of Pledge of Alligance. And when his son was a younger kid he wanted to be in boy scouts, the people would not let him because his dad didn't like the oath they had to take when they had to swear to God or something like that. So he couldn't be in boy scouts. And it is somewhat ironic because his favorite song is "One of Us" by Joan Osborne. Talking about what if God was one of us. We probably all have heard this song.

I think this is not fair on how people treat athiests. Just because someone is Jewish we don't descriminate them do we? Not any more. Just because someone is athiest or someone's has parents that are athiest doesn't mean their child is or that that person worships the devil. People treat them as if they are dirt because they don't believe that there is a God. Now I am not saying God isn't real because I do go to church and I do definitely believe in God, but I think people need to be treated the same as a friend or whatever regaurdless of their religion, beliefes, or race or whatever. None of that matters because it all comes down to who that person is on the inside. Everyone is the same when stripped of religion and everything else. The things he said about when he went to school and how other kids treated him didn't surprise me. A lot of people don't have insite of what it is like for that person so they just tune them out and give them no attention. Other kids treated him as a devil worshipper and an outsider. I thought to myself why don't kids listen to his side? In his diary post he said that he didn't know what he was and wanted to believe. So to me that didn't make him an automatic athiest. He was just a confused kid who doesn't know what to believe in. He was brought up to believe that there is no God. Now he is discovering that there are other beliefs out there and he doesn't know what path to choose.

This is a really good documentary and I recomend listening to it. What do you guys think about this situation? Put yourself in his shoes and just think what it would be like to be shut out just because of your parents religion and beliefs. Here is the link to hear his story.

1 comment:

hi my name is.... said...

This is true. No matter what religion you shouldn't try to change someone elses belief.