Monday, June 4, 2007

The Holocaust (Final)

To the left you can see a group of Jewish people gathering around their recently deceased friends who died from starvation, disease, beatings, or just getting brutally murdered by the Nazis. To the right are shoes...hundreds of thousands of shoes that belong to the Jewish people who died at Auschwitz. I'm sure everyone has heard of the Holocaust, and if you haven't you have had your head in a hole in the ground your entire life! The Holocaust is usually described as the killing of about six million European Jews during World War II, which was part of a program of deliberate genocide against the Jewish people planned and executed by the Nazi regime in Germany led by Adolf Hitler. Here is a link about the Holocaust on wikipedia, not the most trusted site but it is filled with links to various info about the mass genocide against the Jews.

I recently watched a movie that reminded me of the German government from the 1930's, "V for Vendetta." The movie is about the British government going corrupt just like the German's did. There are many good movies that recreate the holocaust and give an in depth look at what really happened during the long six years. One of the best movies that is specifically about the holocaust is "Schindler's List" which was made in 1993. The movie is in black and white but it really gives a better understanding of what really happened on the streets of Germany during those times. If you are interested in watching the movie you can watch it on youtube, it is fairly easy to find. Here is a link to it's official web site.

I think it is important to remember the Jewish people who were literally pulled out of their homes for absolutely no reason and shot, dead, on the streets. The streets ran red with the blood of the innocent and Hitler is to blame. It is sad to think there are still genocides that you hear about from time to time even in the year 2007. It goes to show that we really need to learn from history to stop things before they really get bad. In my opinion the United States didn't act fast enough to stop Hitler, but instead hid away on the other side of the Atlantic while countless thousands died every week. But that is just my opinion. If you have an opinion about the Holocaust or a story please do leave a comment and we can discuss it!


Anonymous said...
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braven gilmore girl said...

In my post i talked about what man does to man and i used the holocaust as an example. This is one point in history that i will never understand why it happpened.

SpottyC said...

History is my favorite class. But having to learn about this horrible thing makes learning bitter. I do think that every single person on Earth should be educated on the subject of the Holocaust so it never happens again.

superw0men13 said...

This is one point in history that I truly don't understand! This really interestes me and is a terrible tragic event but is my favorite to learn about in History. My spring break in 8th grade I went with my class to Washington D.C. and went to the Holocaust musuem. It was very intense and by far the most impowering experience throughout the whole trips, and let me say I went to a whole lot of musuems that week!