Monday, June 4, 2007

Everyones Got Love (final blog)

O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo?
You remember these beautiful and famous words? Well these words are from romeo and Juliet. Juliet is the one that says this lovely quote. The last book we read in English. Romeo and Juliet have the greatest love anyone could possibly have. We all wish we could find someone like them and yet some do. These two lovers fell in love yet their families hated each other. They couldn't be together, but they made that happen. They met at Juliet's parents party. They quickly fell in love and found ways to see each other. They got married so Juliet didn't have to marry Paris and so they could be with each other at all times. Then Romeo kills Tybalt and gets banished from the town. Juliet is going to get married to Paris. So she makes a plan to Drink a potion that makes her sleep. Romeo was suppose to get a note saying Juliet is alive, but he gets news she is dead and kills himself with poison. Then Juliet sees him dead and kills herself. This shows how in love this couple was, to kill their own self because of seeing the other "dead" or really dead.

I'll always love you Winnie Foster!
Do you know what movie/book this is off of? In Tuck Everlasting. Jesse Tuck blurts this quote out at the end of the story right before his family leaves the jail. Winnie meets Jesse in the woods. Winnie's parents thought someone kidnapped her, so they set out a search for her. This man follows Jesse Tuck and Winnie back to Jesse's place. Then the man turns in where the Foster's daughter is in exchange for their woods. The tucks have been living for a long time. One time, while searching the woods, the Tucks came up to a tree with a puddle of water in it's roots. So all the Tucks took a drink and lived forever. Well the water was in the forest of the Woods that the Fosters owned and the man knew about this. That's why he wanted the woods. Well Winnie's father and the search team found the Fosters and Winnie. They also found the man dead because of May Tuck had killed him. Winnie and Jesse were just like Romeo and Juliet. They were so in love with each other. Well May went to jail to be hung and if she was hung, she wouldn't of died. So Jesse, his brother and Winnie helped Tuck and May get out of jail. Jesse wanted Winnie to go with them but she couldn't. So Jesse told her to go to the tree and drink the water. He also said he would come back to her. Well he went back and she was dead.

I think there's just one kind of folks. Folks.
You may not remember this quote, but this quote is from Scout in To Kill A Mockingbird. This book ties in this love circle. Mayella Ewell did not have any friends. When she met Tom Robinson, she became friends with him. She talked to him every time he went by. She thought he liked her just like she liked him and tried to kiss him. She soon found out that he was just being nice to her because he knew she did not have any friends. Well Mayella's father saw them kissing and Tom had to go to court because of that. Tom Robinson ended up trying to escape from a camp and got shot several times. Also there is another kind of love in this book. The love Scout and Jem had for their Father, Atticus. They obeyed him several times and helped him out when he needed help. They also showed him love when ever he was feeling down or lonely. They showed him that he had them to love because their mother was not there.

I think this song "Don't Matter" goes with all this love that these 4 characters have with each other. The lyrics say that no body wants the two to be together. They Will fight for the right to love each other. I hope the music plays and i hope u enjoy my post!

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