Friday, June 1, 2007

The Atomic Bomb (final)

Death and devastation do not even begin to describe the horrors that were created by the atomic bombs. I went on to the NPR site and read a couple stories on the witnesses of the atomic bombs. These stories were graphic in great detail of the suffering of the victims of the a-bombs. I would really encourage you guys to read a few stories from this link. The stories may be long, but they are really worth reading over. Make sure you click on the transcript and the first two bullets under explore.

I saw this audio clip that talked about a man named Jack Aeby who took the only picture of the Trinity test explosion of the atomic bomb on south east Sorroco in New Mexico. This is the picture he took of
Trinity (with a link included), the first test bomb. A child who's skin is starting to die and fall off from the exposure to the bomb is pictured above.

Do you guys think that the atomic bombs should have been dropped? In my way I think that there are two ways of thinking of the delima ; no, the bomb shouldn't have been dropped because it harmed many innocent civilians, or yes, the bomb should have been dropped to save the lives of American soldiers by getting out of the war sooner. Do you guys have any other opinions on this or any other ways of thinking of this event in history? If you were the President what would you have done?

I think that this event in history relates, strangely enough, to Romeo and Juliet. In Romeo and Juliet, the two families were fighting. It cost the two lovers their lives to create peace between the families. So it took death to create peace and save future lives. The atomic bombs are like a more extreme version of this principle. Once the atomic bombs were dropped the war ended, so it took death to create peace. This, in my opinion, is a sad but true reality of war.

Thanks for all the fun classes together! Have a fun summer everyone!


SooperDooperPooperScooper said...

I don't think making the A-Bomb was a good idea.

peanutbutterisyummy said...

To me, the atomic bomb was a really bad idea because it killed innocent civilians. There should have been an alternative idea.

braven gilmore girl said...

In social studies this year we learned about the dropping of the attomic bomb and i have to say that we came up with the conclusion that it was both a bad and good idea to drop the bomb. Good because they were refusing to stop fighting and they even had little kids fighting. Most likely that many people would have died anyway. However, it was not a good idea because of the generations of radiation poisoning that followed after it was dropped. This is one of those subjects that will always have two arguing points to it.