Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Can you believe it? [FINAL]

Have you ever thought about how race can effect getting hired? A young African American, is in college and is working on a degree in health education and a minor in biology. She is also taking Nursing school outside of everything else. Have you ever thought how hard that would be? I mean come on thats a lot of time and school. It just makes upset when i read that she was saying i am happy to be going to school working on nursing, but because i am black it wont be easy to get a job. I really believe that even if you are another race that shouldn't matter. Even if your pink purple or black you should be treated the same and have the same advantages. She also states that people are not wanting colored to be in a higher position in a career. I believe that racism is getting better than before but its still happening...alot. It should not matter, everyone is the same and everyone knows it. But, careers are not everything that can be effected. Anything in life can be effected by race. I am white, and i respect african americans just as much as i respect people my race. I guess i just don't see what people that are racist see? But, you also have to take into consideration if the african americans are acting in an inappropriate then people might not treat them like others, i mean anyone can act inappropriate im just saying. I think that everyone should respect everyone and it would make a very good impact on the world:)


ohiogirl592 said...

Great final post! I completely agree with you. Racism is getting a lot better in our country compared to the time of slavery. I also agree however that racim is still occuring. It is a very sad thing but we have definitely improved over the years and hopefully by the time we have children racim won't be an issue.

peanutbutterisyummy said...

I totally agree. We do still have racism around, even in our very community. When we take school tests or enroll to a school, the paper asks us to state our race, and I don't think that it should matter what race we are, and how race determines how intelligence I don't know. It's just a test, and race doesn't matter. And when we enroll in college, it shouldn't matter the race, but our intelligence matters. Hopefully things change!

Hogwired said...

I totally agree with you. Racism is still occuring and it is awful. I agree with peanutbutterisyummy that they shouldn't ask you what race you are for school or a test. I came from Little Rock and racism is a big problem there. In fact they say that white people are becoming the minorities because others are booting us out.

butters said...

Well Done! I agree with you on this. I personally do not descriminate against people of a different race. THat should not have anything to do with someone getting a job. If someone works that hard and is denied a job that that is just wrong.

MR. CLEAN said...

Im sorry but the beginning of your blog is just not true. There are plenty of employed african americans out there. It is illegal to not hire someone, or fire someone due to their race. And if someone feels they were discriminated against, they should go talk to a lawyer because those laws are strictly enforced.

Karee said...

I totally agree!I cannot believe that any thing like that can happen. I really don't think that it should matter what color you are. Like you said, you should be able to be any color, and you should be treated the same!