Friday, June 1, 2007

Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite! FINAL

I have to admit that I get from about 5-6 hours asleep a night. Just by the time I finally get to bed and asleep, and wake up enough to get ready that's about what I get. I have an extremely busy schedule, so I don't have enough times to sleep! I love sleep it makes me feel better, but I just don't have time for it!

That sounds terrible, but seriously how many hours of sleep do you get? I know that pretty much all of us have a busy schedule, and probably have trouble laying down your head at night for some shut eye. You know?

Scientist and doctors says that for a teen, 9-10 hours of sleep is whats needed, and for an adult 8 hours. So, the amount of sleep I get in an average school week is between 5-6 hours, even though I don't think much of it, it is not healthy! It's actually hurting me.

It affects our personalities. We may become less tolerant, grouchy, and our sense of humor might not be the same. Also, it clearly effects how we think, concentration, and just how we naturally feel. && of course it affects us physically. Tired, drowsiness, coordination, agility, and ability all suffers physically. So, I think that we should all think about getting ourselves more sleep. I know we think we don't have time, but maybe we should make the time. It would at least give you an extra boost for the day! Here is a link for 33 secrets to a good night's sleep. It will help you, if you have problems going to sleep at night.

I've been reading this book about this girl suffering throughout high school. With her grades, and physically just how she feels were going down hill. She never got enough sleep. She got between 3-4 hours a night because she was so busy through all of her activities. It's proven that sleep helps grades and physical feelings. So, just a few more hours of sleep would really help!

This relates back to this year because it effects everything we did. Even when we read. I know if I didn't get a good nights sleep the night before I would have trouble falling asleep while reading. Then, at school I would feel exhausted. So, sleep effects school majorly. If you feel tired and have troubles staying awake its going to effect test scores and grades. So, make the time. It's important!

1 comment:

SpottyC said...

This is why I am so excited for summer! I will sleep again!