Monday, June 4, 2007

Lets Talk About This! (fInAl)

lets all settle at this. We all know that no matter who you are living with, the person who cares for you, is basically your family. And in a family, sometimes there comes brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, aunts, uncles, cousins, grandmothers, grandfathers, and so on down the family line! And sometimes you have multiples of these groups. Lets take brothers and sisters as an example, I have one younger sister, and we both have alkies and differences, and we fight like we were cats and dogs, like we were Caine and Able. But other times, if we want something from the other, we be nice to them! I know its kind of mean, but we all do it! But even though I might not show my love towards my sister, I actually really do! In fact, in some ways she inspires me! I'll break it off into lists for you,
1.) she doesn’t have the best luck with friends and she still sticks trough thick and thin trying to find a place in this world.
2.) She is one heck of a writer! I know Ms. J will love her! She can take some random happening, and make it into one beautiful poem or story,
3.) She can do it all on the basketball court! She is like a point guard/post, and if she would figure out a way to pass it to herself, then I’m sure she would.
4.) When kids are not being the nicest to them, She doesn’t let her emotions show! she keeps cool I guess.

I love her to death, and I know she sometimes doesn’t see that, and I might not show it a lot, but I'd take a bullet for her, and I want her to know that.
You know the times where you are like " I wish we could go back to the day, where blah blah blah! "
Well when my sister was about 2 years old, she would follow me every where, and yes I did get annoyed by her a lot, but now days, she doesn’t want anything to do with me.
People might think I’m crazy, and I guess I kind of am,
but I’m trying to keep a sisterly bond with my sister, something that a lot of people don’t really care about!


SpottyC said...

I can really relate with you because I love my brother and we have a great friendship. He is one of my best friends and I am so proud of him because he got into the military academy, Westpoint in New York, which is a full ride scholarship. He is amazing and I am being selfish for not wanting to let him go because the rest of the world should get to share with me the great hero that I have in my life. He is leaving July first. I can't imagine my life with out him at home.

koala said...

I know what you mean! Me and my sister can fight all the time, but sometimes we are the closest friends ever. I don't think that it's because we don't care about each other it's just that being with anyone that much can get trying. But when it comes down to it you will always have a bond with your sister that goes beyond anything else. I have two sisters and I would die without either of them. One is my real sister and the other is my best friend, sisters don't have to be related. If theres someone you have that bond with they are your sister.

betty said...

I agree, I have the three of best friends that anyone could ask for!

peanutbutterisyummy said...

I can relate, too, except I'm the youngest in my family. But I know what you're saying when you fight with your siblings, but you're always going to love them. It's hard to keep a good bond with your siblings, but it's worth it.

Hogwired said...

Thats really cool how you want to keep a bond with your sister. I have never gotten a chance to experience that sisterly feeling because I am an only child. I wish I could though. I think it is really neat how you are showing your love for her though on the blog!

BlondeC8 said...

I wish I had that bond with my siblings.I love my sister,but my brother tells me he hates me alot and he isn't just playing around.I wish my brother and I were closer,but he is to preoccupied with his own life.

Karee said...

I can totally relate to you. I am always trying to find ways to either make my sisters or brothers happy or I am trying to think of way to get them out of my room or to "stop copying me!". But no matter what I do I still love them a lot. And I don't know what I would ever do without them.

superw0men13 said...

It's amazing to see that you are so close with your family. I used to not be not able to stand my brother, and now when he came a senior in high school, we became really good friends, but intill this year we couldn't stand eachother! I personally know you and your sisters relationship, and i'm sure you will turn out like my brother and I.

superw0men13 said...

It's amazing to see that you are so close with your family. I used to not be not able to stand my brother, and now when he came a senior in high school, we became really good friends, but intill this year we couldn't stand eachother! I personally know you and your sisters relationship, and i'm sure you will turn out like my brother and I.