Saturday, May 19, 2007

Relay for Life

Last night was Relay for Life at HHS. My dad and I were there as volunteers. We were riding in a Gator to take things for the tents from cars to the camp site. It was really nice to see how many people showed up for the walk. If you have never been to a Relay for Life before then I will explain it for you. People form groups to collect money. The money then goes to help Cancer Research. The teams set up tents on the football field with games, activities, foods, and a lot more to raise more money. All of the survivors of cancer get their own lap around the track. Then for the rest of the night their are ceremonies and fundraisers and games. It is a really a fun night. Last night we had a promblem for a little while; somebody was lost. So the volunteers were looking for a little girl with a green sweatsuit on and a pink head scarf. We found the little girl and she was okay, but just a little scared. The little girl had found her teacher and her teacher was going to take her back to her mother. Everyone was really happy when the little girl was found. It so amazing that everyone comes together at these events and puts their best effort forward.
Relay for Life is a great way to help cancer research.

1 comment:

braven gilmore girl said...

i did the relay for life that was in april and it was one of the best experiences and i will never forget it.