Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Sir Philip Sidney

This man was a writer in the 1500-1600 in England.He has many works including Arcadia,Astrophel and Stella,The Defence of Poesy,The Lady of May,certain sonnets,and Psalms 1-9 and 10 and 19.It is so interesting to me that he wrote some of the psalms.The work Arcadia is a long pastoral romance.Astrophel and stella includes 108 sonnets and 11 songs that are influnced by petrarchan conventions.

Domine, quid multiplici?

I. LORD, how do they encrease
That hatefull never cease
To breed my grievous trouble?
How many ones there be,
That all against poor me
Their numbrous strength redouble?

2. Even multitudes be they
That to my soul do say,
No help for you remaineth
In God, on whom you build.
Yet, Lord, Thou art my shield,
In Thee my glory raigneth.

3. The Lord lifts vp my head,
To Him my voyce I spread;
From holy hill He heard me:
I layd me down and slept,
While He me safely kept,
And safe from sleep I rear'd me.

4. I will not be afraid
Though legions round be layd,
Which all against me gather:
I say no more but this,
Vp, Lord, now time it is;
Help me, my God and Father!

5. For Thou, with cruel blowes
On jaw-bone of my foes,
My causeless wrongs hast wroken;
Thou, those men's teeth which byte,
Venom'd with godless spight,
Hast in their malice broken.

6. Salvation doth belong
Unto the Lord most strong;
For He alone defendeth:
And on those blessèd same
Which beare His people's name,
His blessing He extendeth.


Anonymous said...

can you really talk about the bible in this blog not trying to say anything bad about the bible cause i like it but its good you have the freedom in here to do it!

BlondeC8 said...

Yes I thing you can....because the Bible is liturature.It wouldn't matter though because I'm talking about a writer who wrote a part of the bible,and I included his work.