Monday, May 28, 2007

Romeo and Juliet is finally over!!!

I was so excited to finally get to the end of Romeo and Juliet and get to watch the two movie versions. The new version definitely had a lot better ending to it. It was so intense and made it even more sad when Juliet woke up to see Romeo dying. I can't imagine what Romeo must have been thinking when he realized that Juliet was alive and that he had just killed himself for no reason. The play was just so depressing. I mean everything that could have possibly went wrong went wrong. Shakespeare is truly amazing. I thought it was so weird in the movies to how niether one showed the deaths of Paris or Lady Montague. Those deaths were so revelant to the story I wonder why they didn't put them in there. The sixty second shakespeare thing we did was a lot of fun. It really helped me remember all the imoprtant moments in the play and review for our test on Friday. The test wasn't to hard except for the matching quote thing. It was kind of confusing. I hope we get to watch one of the movies all the way through this week sometime. That would make things so much more clear to me with no interruptions. So only 7.5 days left of school!! Enjoy!!!

1 comment:

Eazy B said...

Judging from the picture, Romeo looks pretty excited too.