Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Why is the Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet so Loved?

Why does everyone love this sad story? Do we feel that we can connect to the story? Or is it that we feel such empathy to the characters? I think that people love this story so much because of boredom. When your own life isn't exciting enough we have to entertain ourselves with something, why not the perfect tale of two lovers destined for death? I think that books are meant to let yourself either be one of the characters in the story, or to be like a guardian angel in the story who hovers over a character and gets inside the character's head. I know in Romeo and Juliet I felt like I was constantly following the characters around like a shadow. I felt what they felt and I was happy when they were happy. Who did you feel like you connected the most in the book with? I think that I connected with the Friar the most because I am always trying to solve problems and make everyone happy. The friar was trying to fix everyone's problems and in the end he learns that he can't always work things out and sometimes it is best to just remain neutral and not get involved. I think the friar was in the middle of an internal conflict with himself and at the same time he was torn between the two fighting families. In the end he had to choose sides. He chose to fight for the teens in love. He tried his best but he failed. I hate that feeling of failure when you have done your best and it is still not good enough. What are your guys' thoughts?

1 comment:

Karee said...

Yeah I have been wondering that too. I mean I think that Shakespeare was a good play writer and all but I am not quite sure why people like the whole thing because the end is so tragic. I liked the story and thought that it was really romantic and was a good love story but the end when they both die it is kinda depressing. I think that it would be fun to make up a new ending to the play. That way we could change the story line and make the end happy. Like no one dies and everyone loves each other and Romeo and Juliet can live together and have a wonderful life together.