Sunday, May 27, 2007

7.5 days?

Something like that...It seems like the last 2 months just flew by and I am happy to see summer is finally almost here! It is too bad finals are just about to come up but after that we are home free. Hopefully the summer doesn't fly by like April and May have. All I know is I am going to be spending a long time down at the pool working on this hard-core farmers tan of mine. Legion Baseball will also be a whole lot of fun to do as well over the summer. I don't think I'll be going on vacation though which is a bummer but I'll live with it. So, how about you guys? What are your plans for the summer?

1 comment:

tito said...

Ya I'm so excited that there is only 7.5 days of school left, I can't wait for summer. Legion's going to be fun this year. Can't wait!