Monday, May 21, 2007


Abortion is very hot topic in today's society. There is two different stances. Pro-Life and Pro-Choice. Pro-Life is against killing or aborting the fetus. Pro-Choice is for the women's rights. I think abortion is horrible but I do not believe I have the right to go down the street and tell a pregnant women they have to go through those 9 long months if they do not want to. I think it would be a mistake if they killed that baby but it is America and you have freedom. If she feels bad about killing the child then that is sad but she practiced the right of an American. But then if you say that then doesn't the American baby have rights too? This a very interesting topic feel free to talk about it.


betty said...

I totally agree with you, but do we really need to start a fight like greatbooks6 had!??

Little Miss Sunshine said...

I agree with you, I think that it isn't right for a woman to kill a fetus, buy hey, this is America, and America gives everyone this unique freedom to choose what they want to do. So if you want to get an abortion, right on! It's whatever YOU think is best. YOU have to live with the consequences of your decisions.

Clayton Bigsby said...

It not a fight. Do not not use the word fight. There will be no fghiting because we will respect other people's opinions. The reason reading great books 6 had an argument because they used wrong word choice and it really didn't get bad. We can be smart and obey the rules.

koala said...

Call me a fence setter I dont care. I see where your coming from but what about the rights of the baby?? I really haven't decided which side i'm on as far as this topic goes. I know i could never have an abortion, but is it my place to say someone else is wrong for their opinion? Where do we draw the line between stepping on toes and killing defenseless people? Another thing is if abortions were made illegal then backdoor abortions would become more common and then where would we be? I don't know what to think about it all really.

SooperDooperPooperScooper said...

I also agree like everyone else, it is just inhumane to kill a baby, even if its just a fetus. This isn't a fight either, its an educated debate. I like posts like these, they open up your mind and make you think.

superw0men13 said...

I agree that it insn't right to have an abortion, but I think it is the womens personal right to decide. I can honestly say that if I got raped then I wouldn't want to carry that mans baby. I don't think I would want an abortion or would even have one, but I wouldn't want to have the man's child. Women should be able to decide for themselves using they're personal values.

Clayton Bigsby said...

If your going to have an abortion your going to get it done even by illegal means. Lets make it safer by allowing them to have one in safe, legal medical facility. If we don't then the ones doing illegal abortions will hurt themselves even worse. Before an abortion they should have to go to some counciling showing them options like adoption and maybe they will change but still don't think I should tell women what they have to do.